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Generally favorable reviews- based on 323 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 25 out of 323
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  1. Dec 14, 2016
    This is Cole's most focused and meaningful album yet. He displays a strong narrative, under which he is able to provide a variety of good production and messages. Unlike his previous albums, he does not hop around different topics, which demands further attention from the listener. Having only ten tracks allowed him to minimize filler tracks like in his previous albums. However, he stillThis is Cole's most focused and meaningful album yet. He displays a strong narrative, under which he is able to provide a variety of good production and messages. Unlike his previous albums, he does not hop around different topics, which demands further attention from the listener. Having only ten tracks allowed him to minimize filler tracks like in his previous albums. However, he still has one or two questionable tracks that are not consistent with his narrative or quality of music. In addition, the lack of features again is a short-coming. Cole would have benefited from a singer to amplify the emotion, or a rapper to reaffirm his message. These would be the main reasons to why this album is great, but probably not an instant classic. Hopefully Cole get's that classic in his next attempt. Expand
  2. Dec 21, 2016
    Although not perfect, this album has proven to be Cole's most insightful, focused, and groundbreaking album yet. Through the album cover, he already sets a mood for the listener, indicating that the album aims to be more down to earth and personal, rather than hard hitting and bass-filled. His verses, such as in the intro and she's mine pt. 1 & 2, are more personal than those in the past,Although not perfect, this album has proven to be Cole's most insightful, focused, and groundbreaking album yet. Through the album cover, he already sets a mood for the listener, indicating that the album aims to be more down to earth and personal, rather than hard hitting and bass-filled. His verses, such as in the intro and she's mine pt. 1 & 2, are more personal than those in the past, and have the somewhat jazzy yet intimate instrumentals to back it up. This may not be his magnum opus, but for now it is definitely his best project. Expand
  3. Dec 17, 2016
    Music at its core is a form of expression and communication, and in this album Cole does a great job of expressing his emotions and getting across a very important message, while still sounding great.
  4. Dec 31, 2016
    clearly not his best album, but this is still one of the dopest albums this year, with amazing story telling and some great beats and J.Cole different style of lyrics
  5. Mar 24, 2017
    This is a very cohesive project that truly takes the listener on a journey. This is some of Cole's most meaningful work. The whole project is centered around one idea and Cole rarely divulges from the topic at hand. Fantastic album, that is definitely worth listening to all the way through.
  6. Jan 19, 2020
    Flawless project without reasonable doubt. This is Cole's deepest project, where he dives into the culture and covers highly critical & significant topics from a diverse perspective. This album covers mass incarceration, racism, crime, love, death and the psychology of the average African American male all through the art of storytelling. The album is his most cohesive today, structuredFlawless project without reasonable doubt. This is Cole's deepest project, where he dives into the culture and covers highly critical & significant topics from a diverse perspective. This album covers mass incarceration, racism, crime, love, death and the psychology of the average African American male all through the art of storytelling. The album is his most cohesive today, structured perfectly as it follows the timely life of one of his friends mixed with his own life experiences as well. The production choice is really interesting, Cole uses minimal instrument/sample diversity...which makes the album easier & preferably consumable as a collective. The finale makes the album that much better & puts the remainder of the album in perspective, easily a top ten outro of all-time. As far as lyrics & flow, no complaints in that department as Cole proves he's sharper than ever with tracks like 'Immortal' and '4 Your Eyez Only'.

    NOTE: I can understand not liking the album for a feasible reason, but disliking it because it doesn't sound similar to another project is simply foolish. For proper review of a project you should begin with a clear mind to prevent fogging or default judgement. I also don't get how this isn't as praised as a TPAB when both are full of powerful messages and imagery,
  7. Nov 24, 2018
    Ahead of his time.
    Better than Kanye's legacy.
    4 Your eyez only is the best R and B album ive listened to in recent years.
  8. Apr 2, 2021
    Truly an amazing album for whom the bell tolls sets a great scene for the story we're diving into. than to immortal which dives into policy brutality, violence in ones own community, and his friends. The depth of storytelling and emotion or lack there of in some cases is amazing change and 4 your eyez only are top tier cole songs thank you for this amazing piece of work
  9. Apr 27, 2021
    Definitely J Cole's best album, truly touching story adn the last track is one of his best songs to me.
  10. Dec 20, 2022
    better than FM! by vince staples which is an album that was released as well
  11. Dec 20, 2022
    literally near perfect **** pitchfork, I would pitchfork them if I could xoxoxoxoxoxo
  12. Dec 14, 2016
    In my opinion this is Cole's most cohesive album. Had a consistent sound and a consistent story, and that bore some but I think it works really well here. 4 Your Eyez Only the song might be Cole's best song yet, what a journey that song is.
  13. Dec 15, 2016
    This has to be J.Cole's most critically acclaimed album yet. If you give this a good listen, you will actually realize that this has the potential to being a modern day classic. I'm not saying it is already, but time will tell. It is clear that 2Pac influenced the spelling, to which he has been throughout J. Cole's projects. With is
    Handwritten Font which tracks back to his mix tapes days
    This has to be J.Cole's most critically acclaimed album yet. If you give this a good listen, you will actually realize that this has the potential to being a modern day classic. I'm not saying it is already, but time will tell. It is clear that 2Pac influenced the spelling, to which he has been throughout J. Cole's projects. With is
    Handwritten Font which tracks back to his mix tapes days of Truly yours. Contrast black and white photo, young black boys as a focal point in the artwork... Could be a coincidence—but the art already shares a lot of themes and vibes with To Pimp A Butterfly. I’m not saying it’s a DIRECT connection but what if this is a SPIRITUAL twin project, so to speak? We never got that joint album but I wonder if what came out of that creative energy now lives on this project.
  14. Dec 15, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. That being said, the album is not intended to be heard by a large audience. It is intimate and raw. Following this idea of “eyez,” there is a common theme of perception and perspective on the album (maybe it is even the central theme). The album is nothing short of a message to his daughter in case of his death (the album begins with cassette tape starting and ends with it). The idea is that Cole wants his daughter to know the REAL him in case he dies. I hear it as an audio letter to her.

    So, Cole lays out two personas—the real him and then a fictional friend (I assume fictional). This perception relies heavily on how society views black man-- one perspective is the drug-dealing criminal and the other is himself. Ultimately, he’s telling two interwoven stories—his friend and his own story. They both parallel each other and Cole intends the listener to learn some truth from each story. Cole falls in love, gets married, appreciates the small things in their relationship, deals with racism, and then has a daughter that gives him reason to live. On the other hand, while Cole tells his own story, songs like “Immortal”, “Ville Mentality”, and “Change” simultaneously are from this fictional man’s perspective (I believe Cole names him James). Maybe the man is even the teen from “Adolescence ’03.” These songs refer to the type of man that Cole never became, but witnessed his whole life. He never criticizes the man, but acknowledges the damage caused to him from a flawed system. The man dies at the end of “Change” and leaves his daughter alone. The title song at the end features this man speaking to his daughter as he anticipates his forthcoming death. He provides words of wisdom since he cannot be there to say it as a father.

    In the final verse, Cole reveals that “this perspective is a real one, another lost ‘Ville son.” This implies that the man, James, is fictional and used to contrast his own story. Cole then states his principal purpose saying, “Girl, your daddy was a real **** not cause he was cold, not because he was the first to get some **** twelve years old, not because he used to come through in the Caddy on some vogues, not because he went from bagging up them grams to serving O's. Nah, your daddy was a real **** not 'cause he was hard, not because he lived a life of crime and sat behind some bars, not because he screamed, **** the law" although that was true. Your daddy was a real **** cause he loved you—for your eyes only.”

    I think he recognizes that the number one problem facing the black community, and I believe all communities, is apathy on parents raising their kids. In this case, it is fathers not sticking around to raise their children (most likely flowing from Cole not having a father present in his life). So I think the album, along with a strong discussion of race in America, is basically an effort to reach through and impact parenting.

    I understand why people are disappointed, the album makes zero efforts toward mainstream commercial success, even less than To Pimp a Butterfly. There are no intense beats or disses, instead, it sounds like an audio letter to his daughter. Which is exactly what he intended. Give it some time and I hope you will feel the pure emotion and intensity of this album I do.
  15. Dec 16, 2016
    I often regard J. Cole as the best lyrical rapper in the business right now and this album further confirms that. Neighbors, Change, Immortal, and 4 Your Eyez Only are the standouts for me but the rest of the songs are worth a couple listens. The rest is about Love which can kind of get tiring but this album is well worth the listen.
  16. Dec 16, 2016

    Where the album really shines is his ambitions. There are incredible twists and turns in it. The things he raps about make me glad for the game, that there's still someone representing a higher cause. Unfortunately, he's never reached their hype with anything significant. His rhyming, flow (with some exception), and concept of storytelling is

    Where the album really shines is his ambitions. There are incredible twists and turns in it. The things he raps about make me glad for the game, that there's still someone representing a higher cause. Unfortunately, he's never reached their hype with anything significant. His rhyming, flow (with some exception), and concept of storytelling is weak by comparison. If he truly lived up to his own homegrown hype he would have skill to match it. No such thing here.
  17. Dec 15, 2016
    '4 Your Eyes Only' Is one of the best rap albums of 2016, both lyrically and production-wise. The story that Cole tells during this project is one we can all appreciate, and keeps you listening throughout. Outside of the few cuts that have nothing to do with his story, some corny and questionable bars, and the fact his perspective jumps around quite a bit, (albeit on purpose) this is'4 Your Eyes Only' Is one of the best rap albums of 2016, both lyrically and production-wise. The story that Cole tells during this project is one we can all appreciate, and keeps you listening throughout. Outside of the few cuts that have nothing to do with his story, some corny and questionable bars, and the fact his perspective jumps around quite a bit, (albeit on purpose) this is definitely his most inspiring effort as an artist. Although it falls short of classic status, it will be noted as one of the more complete works of the year. Expand
  18. Feb 20, 2019
    OH MY GOD, what an fantastic album, I loved 4 Your Eyez Only. It is a masterpiece from J Cole. I loved the sad theme Production in the album, I even loved all the songs on the album. What a way to close out 2016. I highly recommended it.
  19. Sep 22, 2020
  20. Apr 6, 2021
    this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8
  21. Dec 22, 2016
    It's different but yet somehow enjoyable and artistic in some ways. He talks about a personal life while you jump from song to song you'll hear a connection between all of them. It's not J. Coles best but it surely has the lyrics you expect from this certain rapper.
  22. Jan 12, 2017
    Lyrically wise, it was AMAZING. It was very deep and touched on many subjects that rappers nowadays dont talk about. However, I couldn't really vibe with any of the songs. Deja Vu was probably my favorite song out of the album. Disappointed with the production but pleased with the lyrics.
  23. Aug 13, 2017
    This album carries a story from song to song like few albums do, offering something that's definitely worth a listen. However, I only genuinely like about half the songs on the album. Given that, my score might seem too high but I suppose J. Cole deserves some extra credit for being different than the horde of rappers who put out the same old shallow songs. It's not my favorite album byThis album carries a story from song to song like few albums do, offering something that's definitely worth a listen. However, I only genuinely like about half the songs on the album. Given that, my score might seem too high but I suppose J. Cole deserves some extra credit for being different than the horde of rappers who put out the same old shallow songs. It's not my favorite album by him but it's still pretty good and even though I didn't care for a number of the songs on it, I'd give it a 6.5/10. Expand
  24. Mar 15, 2017
    J. Cole's best work. He's shown an incredible amount of growth since his last project. Finally a well rounded Cole project with some real cohesion throughout the album.
  25. Mar 30, 2017
    I was never able to get into J. Cole before '4 Your Eyez Only', not really understanding the vibe that everyone was enjoying with '2014 Forest Hills Drive', bar the exception of a few songs. After giving this a listen at its initial release I was immediately impressed with the enjoyable production and understated sound, as well as the main concept behind the work.

    While it's easy to
    I was never able to get into J. Cole before '4 Your Eyez Only', not really understanding the vibe that everyone was enjoying with '2014 Forest Hills Drive', bar the exception of a few songs. After giving this a listen at its initial release I was immediately impressed with the enjoyable production and understated sound, as well as the main concept behind the work.

    While it's easy to criticise Cole for a muddled narrative and filler lines, there's too much to get soaked up in here to garner these points with too much weight. Tracks such as 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' , 'Immortal', 'Deja Vu' and 'Neighbours' are some of Cole's best, most accessible tracks, and are always a great listen during long, dark night-time journeys. It's easy to wrap your imagination into the story that Cole lays out here, albeit slightly scattered.

    There are some moments on the record that seem a little off or out of touch with the rest of the track-list, 'Foldin Clothes' being an obvious example. But for me these moments are too far and between to damage the overall experience massively, and don't subtract from the frequent highs. Definitely worth getting familiar with and a great end to 2016's musical releases.
  26. Jul 28, 2019
    The album is very meaningful with terrific lyrics. What holds it back is the lack of polish around the concept. It was very daring and difficult, so I give him props for attempting it. Still, the majority of the album kind of left you out to dry until the closer came in as almost a epilogue to describe what this whole album was. Unlike a meticulous conceptual artist like Kendrick, ColeThe album is very meaningful with terrific lyrics. What holds it back is the lack of polish around the concept. It was very daring and difficult, so I give him props for attempting it. Still, the majority of the album kind of left you out to dry until the closer came in as almost a epilogue to describe what this whole album was. Unlike a meticulous conceptual artist like Kendrick, Cole can't stick the landing on something this ambitious, and is better off tackling a looser concept where his soulful and meaningful messages can be more of a driving point. I also think it does drag a bit because of Cole's stubborn-ness to have no features. It was cool on 2014 FHD, but at this point he is just underestimating how much a different voice can captivate a listener.

    This was a very flawed project, but I still welcome it as a piece of his discography with it's ambitious concept, jazzy production and as always thoughtful lyrics. Strong 6 to Light 7.
  27. May 23, 2017
    This album is a mixed bag for me. There are some really good songs on here. You also have the snooze fest "She's Mine Pt. 1" and probably the corniest J. Cole song ever "Foldin Clothes." The songs do tell a nice story and piece together rather well though.

    Best Songs: Immortal / Change / 4 Your Eyez Only
  28. May 23, 2017
    after long anticipation for a new cole album this finally dropped, it may be arguable that this was not as expected, however, this is a great album. Jcole is found on this album conflicted with many ideas and is experiencing true struggles, he uses jazz, atmospheric and emotional music to tell his story, even songs which are said to be bad such as 'foldin clothes' and 'ville mentality' doafter long anticipation for a new cole album this finally dropped, it may be arguable that this was not as expected, however, this is a great album. Jcole is found on this album conflicted with many ideas and is experiencing true struggles, he uses jazz, atmospheric and emotional music to tell his story, even songs which are said to be bad such as 'foldin clothes' and 'ville mentality' do have a point to them, as Cole is a new person on this album and near perfect songs like 'shes mine pt. 2' brings the listener almost to tears. i personally did love this album and felt impacted by it Expand
  29. Jul 17, 2017
    Good album.............................................................................................................................................................
  30. Dec 30, 2017
    This is, by far, my most favourite album from J.Cole. I love his lyrics, and it has many great songs that I listen to regurlarly.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. The Wire
    Jan 27, 2017
    Cutting through the tedium reveals a moderately engaging narrative of low level criminality with solid insights ranging from the cloying to mildly provocative. [Feb 2017, p.59]
  2. Jan 17, 2017
    He has matured into a one of the most important figures in modern hip hop and 4 Your Eyez Only is the evidence of this.
  3. Jan 10, 2017
    4 Your Eyez Only‘s low-key production, favoring muted live-band grooves, occasionally reaches a boil, but mostly it provides scaffolding for Cole to rap. He does the heavy lifting without ever doing anything flashy--or, some might say, anything especially interesting.