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Universal acclaim- based on 58 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 58
  2. Negative: 2 out of 58

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  1. js
    Apr 18, 2007
    lyrically amazing. brilliant.
  2. chrisa
    May 12, 2007
    You can judge this album in many ways, but go lie on your bed, at 2.30 in the morning, turn off your light, and just listen. you will then hear the brilliance
  3. Brianm
    Dec 25, 2005
    Of three of his 2005 albums; this one is by far the weakest. It is also his weakest album to date. I am a big fan of Ryan Adams music, but this release isn't anywhere near being good. The main fault of this album are the songs themselves. The songs keep going and going and going to nowhere in particular. It doesn't add up to anything very interesting in the end. Pass this one if Of three of his 2005 albums; this one is by far the weakest. It is also his weakest album to date. I am a big fan of Ryan Adams music, but this release isn't anywhere near being good. The main fault of this album are the songs themselves. The songs keep going and going and going to nowhere in particular. It doesn't add up to anything very interesting in the end. Pass this one if you haven't got his other albums. Expand
  4. JDWilliams
    Dec 20, 2005
    AMAZING! every song is pure songwriting genious. if ya havent bought all 8 of his albums you need to. you will not be dissapointed! BUT 29 TODAY!
  5. SeamusS
    Jan 6, 2006
    Completing the trillogy of '05 masterpeices with a somber kind of lullaby. Sad and beautiful at the same time as being incredible delicate. It all depends on how you handle it
  6. magdab
    Feb 10, 2006
    i love him
  7. DaveB
    Feb 27, 2006
    I think Ryan deserves a lot of respect for showing he has the balls to put albums like Rock N Roll, Jacksonville..., and now 29. The casual fans are mad as hell right now, but for the rest of us, this record is a few decent tracks set next to 5-6 outstanding ones. "Strawberry Wine" and "Nightbirds" in particular are two of Ryan's best, period -- sure, he hasn't settled on one I think Ryan deserves a lot of respect for showing he has the balls to put albums like Rock N Roll, Jacksonville..., and now 29. The casual fans are mad as hell right now, but for the rest of us, this record is a few decent tracks set next to 5-6 outstanding ones. "Strawberry Wine" and "Nightbirds" in particular are two of Ryan's best, period -- sure, he hasn't settled on one sound, but that's the exact reason why we all get excited each time a new record is released, all the better. The man does his job well. Expand
  8. GregL
    Dec 20, 2005
    best written album since "master and everyone"
  9. Jo
    Jan 1, 2006
    Ryan's best release of his threefold this year. Night Birds alone is worth the admission of the cd, oen of his best songs ever... other standouts: the lyrically very strong Carolina Rain and Blue Sky Blues (what a voice!)... An intimate masterpiece, better as Cold Roses, more coherent as Jacksonville City Nights
  10. Aaron
    Jan 2, 2006
    I've not been a fan of his other stuff, but this album really spoke to me. If you're in your 20's, if you're meloncholy, if you've almost died once or twice, if you like his darker stuff, you'll probably like this album. It's not fast-paced and it's not easy to listen to...thank god.
  11. HaroldM
    Jan 6, 2006
    Adam's best album this year. WARNING, explore the rest of the album first before listening to the title track. "29" really belongs on "Rock & Roll" and this album could have been named "Love is Hell Part 3" (or "I'm as Depressed as Hell Part 1").
  12. A.W.
    Feb 18, 2006
    Lyrically, its symbolism is engaging and as always, the words are strong and penetrating but the album seems unbalance by an overarching darkness that is hard to bear in the apparent abscence of hope. Overall: worthwhile, but hopeless...
  13. NastyR
    Feb 3, 2006
    Why this album is underrated? It's often great music, intimate and honest, not so good as love is hell 1 & 2, but definitely close
  14. R.L.
    Jul 30, 2006
    These tunes are beautiful. His friend Elton hasn't written stuff as good as this in ages.
  15. MikeyD
    Sep 21, 2006
    This album will put you under, but it will do it so sweetly. Great evening music when the mood is just right. Love 'Nightbirds', just a perfectly classy track to indulge in. I think the critics should get off his back, i own everything he's put out, and who cares if it all sounds different, if you want to hear the same thing again and again go and buy some ACDC. So light a This album will put you under, but it will do it so sweetly. Great evening music when the mood is just right. Love 'Nightbirds', just a perfectly classy track to indulge in. I think the critics should get off his back, i own everything he's put out, and who cares if it all sounds different, if you want to hear the same thing again and again go and buy some ACDC. So light a cigar, grab some booze, and get all melancholy with 29!! Expand
  16. JoeB
    Apr 6, 2007
    one of the best albums I have heard in years. Every cut makes a visual movie in your mind. Not for the faint of heart but for those who can stand to see a human stripped of his skin, a moving set of stories.
  17. LloydN
    Dec 20, 2005
    I don't understand critics. But then again, critics didn't understand Zeppelin, Young, or the Replacements until way past their prime.
  18. cables
    Jan 18, 2006
    His best work since heartbreaker. People will look back on this album a year from now and wonder why it didnt get the respect that it demanded. Truly Brilliant.
  19. dane
    Jan 31, 2006
    have to admit i prefer both his other releases this year... but this has two of the most stunning tracks he's ever done Night Birds and Blue Sky Blues
  20. Rick
    Dec 17, 2005
    If you're expecting more Cold Roses or JCN sound, don't be deceived by the opening track. Since the 3 albums he released in '05 were recorded in reverse order, this album falls on the heels of "Love Is Hell". Moody, sad, sober but songs like "Starlite Diner" and "Elizabeth" are amazing. Not quite up there with Cold Roses, but then what is?
  21. madsl
    Dec 22, 2005
    This a difficult album to rate. It is quite a compelling and intimate album with strangely beautiful passages. Somehow though adams cannot disguise the fact that some of these songs are wonder when you keep in mind his megalomaniac output in 2005!
  22. RobertC
    Dec 22, 2005
    I guess that Ryan Adams is an acquired taste. Some reviewers do not appreciate his genius. Remember what Nietzsche said - "All of life is a dispute over taste and tasting." I love to listen to Ryan Adams. Some of his songs are great, some are good - but that is relative. Even his good songs are much better than most of the music that others right. This CD will appeal to those who have a I guess that Ryan Adams is an acquired taste. Some reviewers do not appreciate his genius. Remember what Nietzsche said - "All of life is a dispute over taste and tasting." I love to listen to Ryan Adams. Some of his songs are great, some are good - but that is relative. Even his good songs are much better than most of the music that others right. This CD will appeal to those who have a taste for Ryan Adams. He sings poignantly about his 20s. I understand and he reaches me. And that is good enough. Expand
  23. PeteM
    Dec 23, 2005
    not nearly as polished as his other 2005 albums. Apart from `The Sadness`, which is trully awful, the songs are sort of vague and elusive, but also, now and again, very beautiful. Its warm and easy, intriguing and enjoyable. The more mature, meaasured sequel to `Love is Hell`.
  24. [Anonymous]
    Dec 23, 2005
    Brilliant. Some moments are absolutely heartbreaking
  25. JamesO
    Dec 24, 2005
    Ryan Adams has had an amazing year (lucky for us). After the wonderful Cold Roses and the terrific Jacksonville City Nights he brings us this. Seriously worth it just for Blue Sky Blues. He is making the best music of his career.
  26. CesarO
    Dec 28, 2005
    I've admired all of ryan's works for quite some time with the exception of some crap. I honestly thought with the opening track (29) their was light, which is what we needed but sadely realised were the rest of the tracks. (sorry man, can't fuck with it)
  27. Jin
    Jan 18, 2006
    This is a BEAUTIFUL release. It is by far the best realease by him this year. He goes back to playing music at his best, when he is playing by himself. Him playing solo just brings out his lyrics so much more.
  28. DavidA
    Jan 28, 2006
    The most self-indulgent of the three Adams released in 2005; it is redeemed by the standout track Carolina Rain which has gotten ample "endless repeat" play.
  29. NicM
    Feb 14, 2006
    Ryan at his best. The best song writer of our time.
  30. Mary
    Feb 21, 2006
    I've tried to get into Ryan Adams in the past without much success, but this album is amazing! If this is supposed to be the worst of his three 2005 albums, I can't wait to hear the other two.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. It's the first time Adams has sounded completely worn out and spent, bereaved of either the craft or hucksterism at the core of his work.
  2. He continues to take chances and not all of them pay off.
  3. Taken all together, 29 is a staggering piece.