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  1. Feb 8, 2016
    I'd really hope a big inovation from her. The, she did more of the same. I understand she's not fault of that -maybe-, and I know the label would kill her if she didin't a "best seller" album... But 21's so better, I can't believe that a big potencial singer like her did this. It's so sad, "Hello" is a good song but so boring too. "Send My Love To Your New Lover" sond so good, just like "II'd really hope a big inovation from her. The, she did more of the same. I understand she's not fault of that -maybe-, and I know the label would kill her if she didin't a "best seller" album... But 21's so better, I can't believe that a big potencial singer like her did this. It's so sad, "Hello" is a good song but so boring too. "Send My Love To Your New Lover" sond so good, just like "I Miss You", that's why I'm giving 2, cause it deserves 0. Expand
  2. Jan 4, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Saddening. I would put the album a 5 or 6 max, because the album was not good at all, but I put 1 because of a simple fact : She left from music for 4 years and let everyone expecting SO much of her return, and pretty much the success in her return was the consequence of she being long for a long time, but it was pure and plain overrating. The album does not deservers the sells it is making, the last album does deserves all these records, this album is only too overrated.

    So, she has ALOT of time to make an epic album, still she wasnt able to deliver one, thats why I put 0, because in those 4-5 years she could have made many, many more songs and better songs. There are artists out there who make albums every year not because they are all money hungry, but because their true passion is music, and thats ALL they want to do 24 hours a day 7 days a week, thats why they are able to deliver so many songs in a year and VERY good ones. If someone has music as a passion if someone truly loves music, and has the voice to make their music come true, not sure why someone has to waste 4-5 years to deliver 11 songs (is not even a full album, NORMALLY an artist makes 16 in a deluxe version) and none of them has a melody that amazes. I like all the songs from the album, I bought it myself before it even was officially launched, still I had to listen each song atleast 10 times to like it, I literally heard each song 10 times because I couldnt beelieve I could only like 3 songs from the album, I was like "no, this isnt happening, I was a fan of Adele and I expected alot from her, Im sure if I hear it more I will like it" and yes, I like it now, and I actually love some songs, but really, if you ask me, this is not at all the potential Adele has.

    These songs should be part of the "Leaked" list of songs of Adele, anyway Adele doesnt even has leaked songs because it seems she doesnt enjoy her passion as a musician too much, because if she did, she would have so many songs already that they would leak. My to fav artists have always been Adele, Lana del Rey and Jaymes Young, still Lana del Rey has showed so much passion to music since she is 20 years old, that she has around 230 songs, and only 15% of them are official, the rest are leaked. She even said in an interview she just doesnt care about them being leaked, is not like she wants every single penny out of people's pocket, she loves music and she delivers it. If someone is smart enough to stop criticizing her and deep themselves into her world, then good for them, if not, then keep on criticizing. Not sure why Adele doesnt have so many songs as Lana if she has the potential to make her dream songs come true.

    Really, if I was Adele I would be 24 hours a day 7 days a week thinking about "sounds" and making sounds with my voice to make a new song. Iw ould be the whole time getting ideas for deep writting and magic melodies. Im disappointed about Adele, hopefully she is just showing her lazy side and actually he made 2 albums and the next album will be launching soon.

    Adele is a greedy artist and sure, money is needed, but with all her success with just her last album, not sure why keep on being greedy with a second one, and still dont start to focus more on having fun with her voice and talent to make more songs for her, and stop STRICTLY ONLY launching Paid to listen songs.
  3. Nov 22, 2015
    This album is sosososososo boring, she brings nothing new to the table, and especially not sonically. I loved Hello but all the other songs make me feel like I'm dead. Seriously. Wtf is this.
  4. Jun 5, 2016
    Not gonna lie her work never seems to amaze me. This is one of the most boring albums I've heard. Does NOT qualify to be a pop album. But due to being over rated i expect this album to garner alot of awards including the Grammys. The only 2 songs which are bearable on the album are Hello and Water Under The Bridge. Her albums are always very depressing and it better NOT be nominated forNot gonna lie her work never seems to amaze me. This is one of the most boring albums I've heard. Does NOT qualify to be a pop album. But due to being over rated i expect this album to garner alot of awards including the Grammys. The only 2 songs which are bearable on the album are Hello and Water Under The Bridge. Her albums are always very depressing and it better NOT be nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album at the GRAMMYS! Expand
  5. Nov 20, 2015
    I can only say one thing. Adele sounds like nails on a chalkboard mixed with Brokencyde, with a side of Blood on the Dance Floor. She's that awful. Stay away from this album.
  6. Nov 21, 2015
    I feel bad for Adele - she obviously struggled with this album. She's got a great voice, but I don't hear any of Adele the person here - just a selection of generic non-songs filled with cliche and no passion. I hope she keeps at it though, because when she writes from the heart (most of the songs from '21') the results are something special. 'Hello' is the only decent track on this album,I feel bad for Adele - she obviously struggled with this album. She's got a great voice, but I don't hear any of Adele the person here - just a selection of generic non-songs filled with cliche and no passion. I hope she keeps at it though, because when she writes from the heart (most of the songs from '21') the results are something special. 'Hello' is the only decent track on this album, and it sounds like it was left off of '21', so do yourself a favour and tack it on to the end of that and ditch the rest of this forgettable collection. Expand
  7. Nov 24, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What a disappointment! One dreary ballad after another with lyrics straight out of the Hallmark Card shop!
    I have listened to the album in its entirety several times and nothing registers as memorable. Adult contemporary will eat it up.
  8. Jan 29, 2016
    Álbum muito depressivo o que deixa um pouco a desejar. 25 é mais um álbum de Adele mostrando que a própria cantora não tem personalidade de inovação. O álbum é muito sofrido e nada pop.
  9. Oct 22, 2021
    jamjam me fez odiar esse album, era perfeito até a royale high dev chamada jamjamjoo estragar ele, porfavor melhore
  10. Dec 4, 2015
    All of this production and emotional singing but without the lyrical content to back it up. Not much different than any other pop star. That's the other problem, her songs sound so pop, but she's trying to be emotionally honest at the same time? Doesn't work for me
  11. Nov 20, 2015
    25 is, like its predecessor, weighed down by its soggy, vanilla ballads, few of which manage to escape their '70s- and '80s-indebted singer-songwriter schmaltz the way “Hello” (just barely) does. The Ryan Tedder-helmed “Remedy” is, with a by-the-numbers piano-and-vocals formula in the vein of John Legend's “All of Me,” a forgettable trifle compared to 21's soulful foot-stomper “Rumour Has25 is, like its predecessor, weighed down by its soggy, vanilla ballads, few of which manage to escape their '70s- and '80s-indebted singer-songwriter schmaltz the way “Hello” (just barely) does. The Ryan Tedder-helmed “Remedy” is, with a by-the-numbers piano-and-vocals formula in the vein of John Legend's “All of Me,” a forgettable trifle compared to 21's soulful foot-stomper “Rumour Has It,” her previous collaboration with OneRepublic's frontman. Expand
  12. Nov 21, 2015
  13. Dec 1, 2015
    Overrated, honestly. Brings nothing new to the table. Nothing. Why does she get so much hype? If she was an African artist she wouldn't have a 1/100th of this hype. Unfair. Sad.
  14. Nov 23, 2015
    "My aim in life is never to be skinny," said Adele before losing ~100 pounds, writing a dozen songs about the same thing as a dozen of her other songs, produced by a dozen different people, with essentially the same title. Above average performer, below average artist, in other words, like every other pop star out there.
  15. Nov 20, 2015
    I was so disappointed in this album :( I was expecting so much more .... Adele seems like a 1 album wonder now and that us very disappointing to all her fans :(
  16. Nov 26, 2015
    Adele is literally CLINGING onto the sound 21 had. No new directions of creativity at all. Then again, the label would probably kill her if she didn't make another Diamond selling masterpiece.
  17. Nov 20, 2015
    What utter garbage! I could make better music slapping her in the face with my dick. Why does this genre exist? I know why, just to make us suffer. My advice, skip it.
  18. Dec 1, 2015
    Horrible, and I mean horrible, trashy, disgusting garbage. The most overrated piece of trash I've ever come across.mi wouldn't recommend even my enemies reading this unless hey want to become death from the penetration of trash into their ears....
  19. Dec 26, 2015
    An album soooo over rated, the same thing like 21 and 19, she might be talented and all that stuff, i can't deny that but the album it's not a big deal at all.
  20. Apr 25, 2016
    A horrible mess of an album. How does a music artist get away with releasing an album exactly the same as her last album? Strategic releasing and depressing music in winter, how tactical and pitiful can you get.

    Her vocals are awful, this album sounds like whale music. No matter how hard her PR team works with the media to spin 100 positive stories the album is a awful.
  21. Nov 23, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "Adele’s repetition is anchored further by some of the least dynamic work of her career. There’s nothing here to rival the playful malice of ‘Rumour Has It’ or the instant hit of ‘Rolling In The Deep’." ... Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Nov 18, 2016
    Singles "Hello" and "When We Were Young" remain highlights on the record, but aforementioned tracks like "Send My Love (To Your New Lover)," "I Miss You" and "Water Under the Bridge," not to mention "River Lea," hear Adele taking a welcome detour from the orchestral piano-pop formula and moving towards more interesting, groove-driven patterns.
  2. Dec 7, 2015
    Throughout these towering production flourishes, Adele's vocals cast an even vaster shadow: swooping, swerving, blaring brassily and cooing tenderly, a full orchestra unto itself that's theatrical, unpredictable, and dynamic.
  3. Dec 2, 2015
    The songs are not so much about love as the memory of love and, accordingly, there's a chasm between her aggressive vocal runs and the cautiously generalist lyrics, especially on the maudlin latter half.