
Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
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  1. Dec 2, 2015
    The songs are not so much about love as the memory of love and, accordingly, there's a chasm between her aggressive vocal runs and the cautiously generalist lyrics, especially on the maudlin latter half.
  2. Dec 1, 2015
    Adele’s repetition is anchored further by some of the least dynamic work of her career. There’s nothing here to rival the playful malice of ‘Rumour Has It’ or the instant hit of ‘Rolling In The Deep’.
  3. Nov 23, 2015
    Even as she fulfils the brief here--not disappointing, revealing how fame heals some things, but not others--you want to wrench the woman away from the ivories and order her a jug of margarita.
  4. Nov 23, 2015
    Despite coming from the same body that houses a personality so unbelievably erratic and off-the-wall in the best possible way, 25 is as straight-down-the-line ‘Adele album’ as it gets.
  5. Nov 23, 2015
    25 is very much Adele playing safe.
  6. Nov 23, 2015
    When it works best, as on the now globally ubiquitous “Hello” or the show-stopping “All I Ask” (featuring a rending, diva-appropriate performance for the ages), 25 delivers the kind of timeless vibes people have come to expect from Adele, even though the first-person narratives in her songs often still feel oddly generic.
  7. Nov 20, 2015
    Never one for youthful giddiness, her third album is strikingly authoritative, tending towards the imperious even when expressing vulnerability yet rarely coming over as soullessly efficient.
  8. Nov 20, 2015
    You'd think that with the weight of success behind her, Adele could, and would want to, do anything. Instead, she largely retreads the same paths and explores the same tones.
  9. Nov 19, 2015
    The songs are invariably beautifully delivered--in a world of singers who feel impelled to express emotion by vocally doing their nut, Adele understands that less is usually more--but something is missing from them.
  10. Nov 18, 2015
    25 is, like its predecessor, weighed down by its soggy, vanilla ballads, few of which manage to escape their '70s- and '80s-indebted singer-songwriter schmaltz the way “Hello” (just barely) does.
  11. 60
    You just can’t shake the feeling that the whole thing is just far too safe. You can’t blame team Adele for following a formula that has so far resulted in 30 million album sales--but here’s to a little more innovation on ‘29’.
  12. 60
    There are isolated moments of musical intrigue scattered here and there through the album.... But as 25 continues, it’s gradually swamped by the kind of dreary piano ballads that are Adele’s fall-back position.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 1144 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Nov 20, 2015
    Some reviewers say it sounds too much like her previous material, but it really doesn't. She's offered up quite of a bit of variation in termsSome reviewers say it sounds too much like her previous material, but it really doesn't. She's offered up quite of a bit of variation in terms of sound and subject material. But as usual, some reviewers are trying to tag it as another break up album with the same subject material, when it's not at all.

    In my opinion, you can't really compare this to 21, because it comes from a much different place and is the perfect ending to her age themed albums. Hello, When We Were Young, Million Years Ago, and All I Ask are future classic potential. And it's very rare to say there are future classics on a modern pop album these days.

    Vocally, she sounds better than ever and she continues to prove why she's in another lane from everyone else. Anyone can make this type of music, but only she can sell it to you this way with her voice.
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  2. Nov 22, 2015
    It's not bad and not good. "Hello" sounded pretty samesy in comparison to her earlier work, and so my expectations were set to meh. This albumIt's not bad and not good. "Hello" sounded pretty samesy in comparison to her earlier work, and so my expectations were set to meh. This album has it's moments for sure, and as a whole it's ultimately pretty but dull, with many songs staying past their welcome. Her voice is beautiful, but there are only so many pop ballads a human can take. Full Review »
  3. Nov 20, 2015
    Finally we have a new work from Adele, after four years listening to its predecessor, "21". The creation’s process and development of theFinally we have a new work from Adele, after four years listening to its predecessor, "21". The creation’s process and development of the album was subtle and reading, but it was worth the wait. As Adele said in an interview with Rolling Stone, the album brings a bit of maternal essence - citing "Ray of Light" by Madonna as an inspiration.

    The album begins with the powerful ballad "Hello", which took more than six months to complete. It’s obviously a farewell to that Adele's "21", a farewell to her lover who broke her heart. This is complement on "Send My Love (To Your New Lover)" in which Adele sings account that finally overcame and gave up, and it's even kind enough to say to your ex send reminders to your new love and advises him to treat it best.

    In previous album, Adele was unsure, but in "I Miss You" she is more confident and provocative, to metaphorically explain that your love is now true and lasting and that it makes her so well that she misses her man when he’s far away. And in "When We Were Young" she declares this intense love with memories, and admits that she may be able to be the "Remedy" for everything.

    It’s also worth noting wonderful and touching tracks like "Water Under the Bridge", "Love in the Dark," "Million Years Ago", it’s talk about so much things that she misses that was took of her when she did success worldwide and had to leave the old e calm life, and "All I Ask", which the latter had additional composition of Bruno Mars and was wonderful in Adele's voice.

    Motherhood influenced Adele to make its lighter composition and the most creative production, enjoy more music rather than maintaining the simplicity of a piano. "I Miss You" and "Sweet Devotion", produced by the incredible Paul Epworth, and "Water Under the Bridge", with touches by Greg Kurstin, are the main instrumental changes Adele, but "Send My Love" and “River Lea”, produced by Max Martin, Shellback and Danger Mouse, brings an environment which refers to the album "19" and songs like "Right As Rain", "My Same", “Cold Shoulder” and "Tired".

    Finally, as many musical critics say, an artist only truly finds its essence when it releases third album and here we have the "25" with 11 tracks bringing the most complete, real and emotional word by Adele Adkins, a woman who is in constant personal growth and professional. I’m not a fan, but this need to be admit, that’s all.
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