• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Sep 26, 2006

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. The saddest thing about 20 Y.O. is that Janet's decision to hedge her bets on an album whose backbone is made up of terrible R&B instead of great dance music.
  2. Janet is as crafty and poised as ever. Her flirtations are still a pleasure, but an overly familiar one.
  3. Dated songs like "So Excited" and "Do It 2 Me" end up sounding like they're, well, 20 years old.
  4. There's a little too much consistency across the album -- too few moments stand out, and too many of the hooks just blend together.
  5. Sharp production can't mask the absence of any standouts likely to be remembered 20 months from now.
  6. A record that surgically removes all trace of sensuality and replaces it with calculated, mechanical, by-numbers bump'n'grind action.
  7. There’s precious little to get, well, excited about here.
  8. Almost all of the tunes here (particularly "So Excited") try to replicate Jackson's early work, with diminishing returns.
  9. Sexuality doesn't sink 20 Y.O. as much as the beats do.
  10. Uncut
    20 Y.O. is a lazy timewarp, not a retro treat. [Dec 2006, p.114]
  11. Blender
    It's hard to catch much buzz off fun that sounds so much like work. [Dec 2006, p.170]
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 98 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 98
  2. Negative: 30 out of 98
  1. Sep 28, 2022
    Really fun dated 200's rnb pop that doesn't attempt to be many things beyond playful and sexy. It might not be amongst her best but it's amongReally fun dated 200's rnb pop that doesn't attempt to be many things beyond playful and sexy. It might not be amongst her best but it's among her most accessible and fun,like All For You it doesn't build itself around a narrative that would often anchor her older classics. It is mire air tight than All For You but none of the songs are as infectious as the latter's iconic title track. It's an average record but shouldn't be a disappointment fir fans or newcomers. Full Review »
  2. Jul 2, 2022
    20 Y.O. is full of barely any hits and just full of bland, tedious dance track fillers that add nothing to her career. All the songs are very20 Y.O. is full of barely any hits and just full of bland, tedious dance track fillers that add nothing to her career. All the songs are very loud, boring, and lacks in anything new and exciting. Lyrics aren't up to the standards of Janet at her peak, and her voice is the only highlight of all songs. Love 2 Love by far is the worst on the album! #ugh Full Review »
  3. Aug 21, 2021
    See, I find it curious that Janet has been trying to be authentic to herself with every album she makes, especially with Velvet Rope, but, nowSee, I find it curious that Janet has been trying to be authentic to herself with every album she makes, especially with Velvet Rope, but, now that I think about it, before All For You, she was trying to hop on hip-hop tracks and show her versatility, as always. But she was trying to make an album that represented how she was feeling at the time, so she made a pop album, All For You. After that, she did kind of do the hip-hop thing with Damita Jo, but the Super Bowl happened and sales didn't come through. So she had to make a generic and trendy album, 20 Y.O. By no means this album is bad, however, I just find it unoriginal and bland, with the exceptions of With U, Daybreak, Enjoy and Take Care. It's a well produced album, but it's uninspired lyrically and not very diverse or consistent in its sound. So yeah, not a bad album, but also not an album I would go back to. Full Review »