
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. 13's strange, frustrating combination of expert musicianship and self-indulgence reveals the sound of a band trying to find itself.
  2. If you're a fan of the old Blur material, this disc may not be your thing.
  3. 60
    The best results are in the vein of Low-era Bowie. The duds turn up, surprisingly, in the area that Blur is strongest -- songwriting.
  4. Little gems are overwhelmed by sprawling jam tracks that, well, blur into each other.
  5. Orbit's masterfully sludgy production adds a layer of grime to even the poppiest songs, and his cut-and-paste edits and swooshing studio flourishes create a sense of dizzy late-night anguish throughout.
  6. If Blur was a tentative step away from the pop past, 13 is a suicidal leap - the little girls are not coming back after they hear this.
  7. If there's a downside, it's that 13 may sound more like a sampler of ideas than a single-minded effort.
  8. 80
    Despite all this experimentation, Blur still sneaks in perfect pop nuggets such as "Coffee & TV," where cheery harmonies share space with a squealing guitar.
  9. Blur's most inconsistent and infuriating statement thus far. Infuriating, because divested of four solid-gone clunkers '13' could pass muster as the best of Blur.
  10. With patience, 13 reveals itself as sort of a poor man's OK Computer, only instead of Radiohead's airborne sonic journey through the future, Blur investigates the murk of its inner-city swamps.
  11. Blur have finally found a sound to match their name.
  12. 13 is the first Blur record that requires multiple listenings for it to really sink in.
  13. A dense, fascinating, idiosyncratic and accomplished art rock album.
  14. Their sloppiest, most playful set yet.
  15. 70
    A shitty Blur album is still better than a lot of bands' best efforts.
  16. Methodical, often sprawling and sonically messy, 13 isn't a charmer, but it is awfully seductive.
  17. At first listen, it may be hard to figure out whether 13 is some sort of twisted masterpiece or the work of a once-great group losing the plot. Those who stick around to find out will be rewarded.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 85 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 78 out of 85
  2. Negative: 2 out of 85
  1. j30
    Dec 7, 2011
    The artistic 13 is blur's most ambitious album to date. Despite 13's flaws, it's hard not to recommend this record when there's so much soulThe artistic 13 is blur's most ambitious album to date. Despite 13's flaws, it's hard not to recommend this record when there's so much soul and risk involved. Full Review »
  2. Mar 27, 2019
    A beautiful, heartbreaking, strange, yet ever so endearing masterpiece of it's kind. Definitely the peak of Albarn and Coxon's musicianship,A beautiful, heartbreaking, strange, yet ever so endearing masterpiece of it's kind. Definitely the peak of Albarn and Coxon's musicianship, as well as the peak of their emotional toxicity, giving this album a strong sense of a bitter heart beaming with tons of passion and despondency. Full Review »
  3. Feb 19, 2019
    A beautiful, underrated masterpiece. This is what ear-candy sounds like. "Trimm Trabb" is the highlight out of this one.