
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Mojo
    May 17, 2011
    Despite including some familiarly-styled acoustic reflections, 101 is very different to 2007's New York-influenced Keren Ann. [May 2011, p.104]
  2. Apr 14, 2011
    Slipping easily between lush orchestral pop and electronic symphonics redolent of Air, she also keeps a firm hand on the lyrical tiller, occasionally even bearing comparison to the poetic pith of Leonard Cohen.
  3. Apr 11, 2011
    101 blends the quirky, the audacious and the touching to confident effect, emerging as a fine listen for all seasons.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    Apr 8, 2011
    The Israeli-born chanteuse plays Francoise Hardy-esque fille mysterieuse on her husky, atmospheric latest. [8 Apr 2011, p.59]
  5. Uncut
    Mar 29, 2011
    Keren-Ann Zeidal has been covered by Jane Birkin and Francoise Hardy, but here progresses from chansons to create a spectacularly produced pop-art. [Apr 2011, p.85]
  6. Mar 23, 2011
    Each of the songs is a short film: with an atmosphere and a story and a sense of drama. That makes her an artist to whom attention must be paid.
  7. Mar 23, 2011
    At best, the heart found in earlier recordings is missing from Ann's soft voice here. At worst-as in the album closer where she counts down from 101 to 1 in a flat tone-things get downright tedious.
  8. Mar 22, 2011
    At times, they clearly outpace her singing and lyrics, which often betray the fact that English is a second language. Still, Keren Ann remains a striking songwriter (listen to the interesting device she employs on the title track for proof), while her range of musical techniques has grown.

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