• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jul 8, 2014
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Universal acclaim- based on 547 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 547
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  1. MES
    Dec 14, 2014
    This album is my first introduction to Sia Furler and I was truly impressed. The album is excellent -- easily in my top 5 of 2014. But Chandelier is the crown jewel; a song of great complexity and emotion matched with an outstanding vocal performance. I don't see how it doesn't win song of the year. While the other songs don't match the power or sophistication of Chandelier, they areThis album is my first introduction to Sia Furler and I was truly impressed. The album is excellent -- easily in my top 5 of 2014. But Chandelier is the crown jewel; a song of great complexity and emotion matched with an outstanding vocal performance. I don't see how it doesn't win song of the year. While the other songs don't match the power or sophistication of Chandelier, they are all interesting and well constructed songs. This one is definitely worth your time. Expand
  2. Jul 19, 2014
    10/10 clearly. What more do you want from an advanced, artistic, pop-album? No song is less than good, and the best ones are masterpieces of combining grit and gloss.

    I'm so happy, I have new pop-goddess in my pantheon. (Robyn is another.)
  3. Jul 23, 2014
    10/10. There is no way you can get a better album than this. With songs such as Chandelier, Burn The Pages, Big Girls Cry, Straight For The Knife, and Fire Meet Gasoline, there's no way I could resist this album. Sia made a masterpiece, and I'm glad she kept these amazing songs for herself.
  4. Mar 15, 2015
    Quite rarely has Pop music hit the emotional chords so powerfully as Sia's latest album did. Everything she and her music represents is a revelation to the gradually-staling pop industry, half of which should thank her for dedicated, inspired songwriting through the past two decades. I also can't stop listening to her live performances on Howard Stern (Diamonds and Chandelier)--brings meQuite rarely has Pop music hit the emotional chords so powerfully as Sia's latest album did. Everything she and her music represents is a revelation to the gradually-staling pop industry, half of which should thank her for dedicated, inspired songwriting through the past two decades. I also can't stop listening to her live performances on Howard Stern (Diamonds and Chandelier)--brings me to tears every time. Expand
  5. Jul 30, 2014
    So beautifully strange. Love this record. Sia has written for everybody who's anybody over the past few years.... but i'm so grateful she saved some of her best for herself. '1000 Forms of Fear' is 1000 forms of fantastic.
  6. Jul 8, 2014
    This album... oh, god, this album. I can't describe what it is on simple words. You have to listen to understand. This album is emotional, mature, and bring such great lyrics, vocals, melodies. It's complete. For me, there's no way to unlike this album, because it brings such good things since the first to the last track. You're not going to find something bad in the album. I really thinkThis album... oh, god, this album. I can't describe what it is on simple words. You have to listen to understand. This album is emotional, mature, and bring such great lyrics, vocals, melodies. It's complete. For me, there's no way to unlike this album, because it brings such good things since the first to the last track. You're not going to find something bad in the album. I really think Sia has a bright future if she keeps this beautiful talent. I'm not going to be surprised if this album win an Album of The Year on the Grammys... Expand
  7. Jul 10, 2014
    '1000 Forms of Fear' is a creative album! Sia did great songs that made me feel in other world. So many dramatic and fantastic words.... This is one of the greatest albums of the century!
  8. Jul 10, 2014
    This is too much for me. This is the most amazing thing my ears have had the pleasure of hearing. From Chandelier to Hostage, this album is perfection. Every song on the album is catchy and meaningful. This is the type of music that takes me to another place and it is too good. Sia writes songs for many talented singers, and I'm so glad that she has kept the best 12 songs she's written inThis is too much for me. This is the most amazing thing my ears have had the pleasure of hearing. From Chandelier to Hostage, this album is perfection. Every song on the album is catchy and meaningful. This is the type of music that takes me to another place and it is too good. Sia writes songs for many talented singers, and I'm so glad that she has kept the best 12 songs she's written in the past few years for 1000 Forms of Fear. Expand
  9. Jul 8, 2014
    I have no words to describe how spectacular this album is... The compositions, the melody, the sound... It's an amazing job, Sia is by far one of the biggest artists today
  10. Jul 8, 2014
    Should be on of the top albums of the year. Sia has always been incredible, but is starting to see the national stage. Her collaborations and writings the past few years have been a tease for such a powerful album.
  11. Aug 1, 2014
    Alright, she broke everything! 1000 Forms of Fear open with the Top 10 hit Chandelier and close with one of the most deep ballads ever Dressed In Black! Just amazing.
    The album hits explosive chorus and contains letters that chills anyone! Yes, she did what she know better.
    The best ballads, Big Girls Cry, Chandelier, Straight For The Knife and Fire Meet Gasoline contrast with the only
    Alright, she broke everything! 1000 Forms of Fear open with the Top 10 hit Chandelier and close with one of the most deep ballads ever Dressed In Black! Just amazing.
    The album hits explosive chorus and contains letters that chills anyone! Yes, she did what she know better.
    The best ballads, Big Girls Cry, Chandelier, Straight For The Knife and Fire Meet Gasoline contrast with the only funny music Hostage and make of the album one of the best albums of the year, and why not of the decade?
  12. Dec 30, 2015
    Simply amazing. You can really feel the lyrics and the message Sia is conveying through each song on 1000 Forms Of Fear - with each song being unique from one another. Truly a great singer and songwriter - which is demonstrated by her innovation with each album and 1000 Forms Of Fear yet again sets a new bar in her innovation. In my opinion, it's a must buy album and I enjoy every song onSimply amazing. You can really feel the lyrics and the message Sia is conveying through each song on 1000 Forms Of Fear - with each song being unique from one another. Truly a great singer and songwriter - which is demonstrated by her innovation with each album and 1000 Forms Of Fear yet again sets a new bar in her innovation. In my opinion, it's a must buy album and I enjoy every song on the album. Expand
  13. Nov 5, 2014
    Sia in her best! This album is flawless,it contains songs that are very inspiring,well written with accurate beats from the intense tracks of "Fire Meet Gasoline"(my favourite),Free The Animal,Hostage,Dressed In Black,Burn The Pages,Chandelier and Elastic Heart to the calm and delightful tacks of Big Girls Cry,Eye Of The Needle,Straight For The Knife,Fair Game and Cellophane. We love SiaSia in her best! This album is flawless,it contains songs that are very inspiring,well written with accurate beats from the intense tracks of "Fire Meet Gasoline"(my favourite),Free The Animal,Hostage,Dressed In Black,Burn The Pages,Chandelier and Elastic Heart to the calm and delightful tacks of Big Girls Cry,Eye Of The Needle,Straight For The Knife,Fair Game and Cellophane. We love Sia and her Blond Bob Wig. Expand
  14. Sep 11, 2015
    This is good, finally Sia recieves some recognized thanks to 'Chandelier' and 'Elastic Heart'.
    Amazing, dark and happy at the same time.
  15. Oct 17, 2015
    There's too much for saying about this magnificent album, but to be more direct, Sia has made a masterpiece with '1000 Forms of Fear'. Her vocals, her lyrics, her style and way to perform on stage it's just amazing and there's no doubt that she has talent in all the possible ways. This one of those perfect albums that you won't easy find anywhere.
  16. Sep 19, 2015
    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh que album perfeito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Feb 1, 2016
    PERFECT.....Sia did her best .I think that there is no negative point in this album all of the things are in harmony like perfect Voice,perfect Lyric and also perfect Beat.
    this album made different and unknown feeling in every body who listen to it. my favorite:Chandelier,Elastic Heart,Big Girls Cry,Fire Meet Gasoline,Straight for the Knife,Fire Meet Gasoline
  18. Jan 30, 2016
    Tantas emoções para um álbum com somente 12 faixas, mostrando sensibilidade e fragilidade em Cellophane , Fair Game, e Dressed In Black que facilmente é a melhor do álbum, contando uma verdadeira história de amor.Em Free The Animal, Sia revela uma lado mais selvagem, Fire Meet Gasoline é aquela canção explosiva que juntamente com Chandelier, se destaca.
  19. Feb 2, 2016
    The uncomparable talented force known as Sia really is here to stay. With so many powerful ballads, full of great and raw vocals, 1000 Forms of Fear is for sure one of the best albums of this decade.
  20. Jun 20, 2016
    um dos álbuns mais incríveis de todos os tempos,com destaque para "Fire Meet Gasoline" " Elastic Heart " Chandelier " que são super hits energéticos e sentimentais como um grande grito de liberdade
  21. Jun 9, 2017
    1000 Forms Of Fear for me is one of the best jobs in Sia's career. An album full of feelings, many metaphors, and with a beautiful and clean vocals. Each letter clearly shows how the composer is feeling in that song. And combined with that, a voice full of pain and honesty. Sia managed to define me in a single album.
  22. Aug 5, 2017
    Este es un gran álbum. Sia tiene una potente voz y lo demuestra con las canciones contenidas en 1000 forms of fear. Tiene muy buenas líricas y ritmos muy ricos. Sia es capaz de darle al pop un sentido más profundo.
  23. Aug 8, 2017
    Great pop album. Different from the other pop stars, this album really makes you think. Fantastic Four: Chandelier, Elastic Heart, Big Girls Cry & Fire Meet Gasoline are great, and i'm glad that all four were singles.
  24. Nov 17, 2017
    digam o que quiser, mas 1000FOF é o último trabalho da Sia que realmente fez sentido pra mim. Cheio de contrastes nas melodias e totalmente nu em suas letras, esse álbum toca na parte mais sensível do cérebro e mexe com a parte mais dura do coração.
  25. Apr 24, 2018
    this is an album that combines personal problems of her that can also be from other people at the same time
  26. Nov 26, 2017
    Se transformo en uno de mis álbum favoritos. Altamente recomendable. Su voz es poderosa, desgarradora y tierna. Dressed in black en sus últimos minutos exorciza todo su ser.
  27. Feb 16, 2018
    This album is so fantastic, beatiful anda perfect with a great instrumentals and a unicness voice
  28. Mar 25, 2018
    Esse é o real "pop com proposta" que muitos artistas tentam fazer desde sempre, mas o diferencial desse álbum é que ele tem verdade, e essa verdade é possível de se apalpar graças ao modo com que Sia o levou, ela faz com que todas as canções, de forma geral, nos façam pensar, criticar. Me peguei várias vezes enquanto ouvia pensando: " Será que ela realmente quer dizer isso?!" Parece queEsse é o real "pop com proposta" que muitos artistas tentam fazer desde sempre, mas o diferencial desse álbum é que ele tem verdade, e essa verdade é possível de se apalpar graças ao modo com que Sia o levou, ela faz com que todas as canções, de forma geral, nos façam pensar, criticar. Me peguei várias vezes enquanto ouvia pensando: " Será que ela realmente quer dizer isso?!" Parece que ela realmente queria dizer tudo que ela disse nesse álbum. Parabéns, Sia. Expand
  29. Mar 12, 2019
    1000 forms of fear
    i love that album!
    every song has been done with such love, not every album in this franchise has songs like that.
  30. Jul 2, 2019
    I think sia does the best of an artist must to do, she write, sing and the production of all her work talks about her passion.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Jul 24, 2014
    Fortunately, these successes do not overwhelm 1000 Forms Of Fear, with tracks such as ‘Big Girls Cry’ and ‘Fire Meet Gasoline’ more than matching the output of her past clients in terms of captivating, powerful pop.
  2. Jul 16, 2014
    Whether or not stadium pop is to everyone’s taste, this is it in its smartest and most human form.
  3. Jul 15, 2014
    True, most of the themes on 1000 Forms of Fear are pretty generic, but Sia’s lyrics are bold and visceral, and the production is dynamic without being gimmicky.