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Universal acclaim- based on 61 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 53 out of 61
  2. Negative: 4 out of 61

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  1. EvanG
    Aug 10, 2006
    Amazing album reminiscent of the halo bender years. Rock on Doug!
  2. Epic
    Apr 25, 2007
    Another flawless album by one of my favorite bands in the world. Solid all the way through, not one average song on the album.
  3. JohnM
    Apr 13, 2006
    the only thing good about this album is the artwork. stop the jammy guitar solos and get back to sweet poppy tunes!
  4. Mark
    Apr 14, 2006
    I love this band, but Pitchfork has it right, this one is lacking the melodies of past albums
  5. RobbieF
    Apr 15, 2006
    Great album!
  6. christopher
    Apr 17, 2006
    This album's melody can be found oozing throughout its mostly complex compostions. Most tunes have 6 or so different humming oppertunities. However, If your looking for a step back to the early 90's simplicity and pop appeal look elsewhere. If your open to the next step, jump in. BTW, may require many listens and a hankering for neil young like textures to truly enjoy.
  7. ZacharyM
    Jul 10, 2006
    A very refreshing album. Progressive and positive--a break from the monotony of most of todays music.
  8. Capt.Shiner
    Aug 17, 2006
    It's been a couple of months since this was released and I wanted that much time to see how much staying power it had. As you can see, I think it sticks like KrazyGlue. Every once in a while I need to take a frivolous road trip to destroy my eardrums with sound without dragging anyone else down with me. PLAY IT LOUD!
  9. SamD
    Apr 22, 2007
    Best album of 06
  10. Kirby
    May 3, 2007
    Solid album!
  11. BobS
    Apr 11, 2006
  12. Daniel
    Apr 11, 2006
    I don't think that Built to Spill are pretending to be anything more than a hazy jam band with pop song proclivities. While this isn't anywhere as good as 1999's Keep it Like a Secret, the guitar solos are wondrous, dynamic pieces and most of the songs, especially Mess With Time, benefit from such a non-linear approach. There are a few missteps, but nothing worth skipping I don't think that Built to Spill are pretending to be anything more than a hazy jam band with pop song proclivities. While this isn't anywhere as good as 1999's Keep it Like a Secret, the guitar solos are wondrous, dynamic pieces and most of the songs, especially Mess With Time, benefit from such a non-linear approach. There are a few missteps, but nothing worth skipping over. Like KILAS, and unlike 2001's Ancient Melodies From the Future, this is a great album; it feels and sounds cohesive. Expand
  13. Matt
    Apr 11, 2006
    It is a good and also complex album - the only weakness is songs that sometimes drag on at the end.
  14. mykles
    Apr 11, 2006
    Built to Spill do more musically in one album than most bands do in a lifetime. This album is nothing less than revolutionary -- simply incredible and groundbreaking.
  15. amandaf
    Apr 10, 2006
    this album destroys anything else out right now
  16. charb
    Apr 12, 2006
    Beautiful album. It's as good as it gets.
  17. TroyG
    Apr 14, 2006
    I m not a big rock critic but i think content wise it's what the market actually needs . I hate major labels and warner bros equals genocide but beyond that i think the band was on some pretty good shit in portland and i think this album will stic around for awhile8/10 Props to steven lobdell for production-I think the bass could be fatter
  18. EricS
    Apr 16, 2006
    Built to Spill is my favorite band. So I may be a little biased. However, this CD was overall a good CD but compared to their previosu CDs it just doesnt compare. It is a success while at the same time being a failure if that is possible. But as I said Im baised they get a 7 and an additional 2 for being them.
  19. D.J.
    Apr 16, 2006
    This album will teach today's indie kids how to rock. Truly, this is a band who knows how to play their instruments with precision. Sorry some people don't have the patience to sit through a song that is longer than four minutes today, but you're missing out on one of the best albums of the year. You're loss, kids.
  20. MattG
    Apr 18, 2006
    Great album. Being in my top 5 alltime bands BTS would really have to screw up to get a low score from me. I obviously dont think they screwed up. Just like every other record BTS has created some songs instantly catch and others take time to grow on me. "goin against your mind" "Liar" "wherever you go" and "the wait" instantly grabbed me and spun me around smiling. I am 3 days into this Great album. Being in my top 5 alltime bands BTS would really have to screw up to get a low score from me. I obviously dont think they screwed up. Just like every other record BTS has created some songs instantly catch and others take time to grow on me. "goin against your mind" "Liar" "wherever you go" and "the wait" instantly grabbed me and spun me around smiling. I am 3 days into this and already "saturday" "conventional wisdom" "mess with time" and "just a habit" have sunk into my mind. Dougs vocals seem particularly clean and refined. As usual his lryics crank the little gears in my head. The added guitar of Jim and Brett is refreshing. Their commitment to a more contained experience works for me. Way to go guys!! See you at the Nuerolux.....if Im lucky!!! Ha! Expand
  21. Dan
    Apr 25, 2006
    Like going down a water slide and landing in a chocolate swimming pool.
  22. AaronQ
    Apr 28, 2006
    Not much better than "Ancient Melodies of the Future." If it's even better at all is still up for question.
  23. JD
    Jun 30, 2006
    Positive and smooth. Very good but not great.
  24. JuanG
    Jun 4, 2006
    Easily the best BTS album since Keep it Like a Secret.
  25. TomB
    Jun 8, 2006
    A sullen record. A droopy misfire. It's so hard to say this considering all the bliss this band has brought me. The magic is fading, the melodies TOTALLY weak. All the power and heart and the way their music had the ability to turn us all inside out with emotion is turned 2 dimensional. This is what I dreaded most as I counted down the days.
  26. chrisp
    Jul 21, 2006
    I was a little cautious about building my expectations up too high for this album. All indications were that this band had seen its prime come and go, and after 5 years since their last album had probably lost their thunder. Like any other BTS album, it takes a few listens through to get it. By about the fourth listen, I realized that this was probably their best album, which says a lot I was a little cautious about building my expectations up too high for this album. All indications were that this band had seen its prime come and go, and after 5 years since their last album had probably lost their thunder. Like any other BTS album, it takes a few listens through to get it. By about the fourth listen, I realized that this was probably their best album, which says a lot if you can appreciate how incredible Perfect from Now On is. As I went further into it, I found myself no longer comparing it to other Built to Spill Albums but to some of the greatest rock bands that ever took the stage. The world has not seen guitar solos and rock music written and performed so perfectly since Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. I know that's a bold statement, and I don't make it lightly, but this is quite possibly the greatest album ever created. Expand
  27. AC
    Feb 27, 2007
    One of the best albums I've heard in a long, long time. Simply amazing! There best work to date.
  28. DMac
    Feb 27, 2007
    Awesome from start to finish. A Modern classic.
  29. TrekD
    Mar 7, 2007
    There best work of there career, by far! They keep getting better & better with age. This is great music, right here. Go buy this album.
  30. DontrelleM
    Apr 18, 2007
    Built To Spill are without a doubt the most underrated band right now in music. Every album they've released has been amazing and a real labor of love from them. With this album they once again prove why there one of the most reliable bands around. YIR is probably there best work of there career. I love this band!
  31. claudioe
    Apr 24, 2007
  32. Sr.Beavis
    Nov 9, 2006
    Significantly weak melodies and the lead guitar is consistently out of tune.
  33. BranimalN.
    Apr 11, 2006
    Amazing album. All of their albums are. WEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
  34. SeanG
    Apr 11, 2006
    This album combines all of the elements that make Built To Spill so amazing: the long guitar jams reminicent of "Perfect From Now On", the melodic pop of "Keep It Like a Secret", and the psychadellic twists of "Ancient Melodies of the Future". Standout songs include Goin Against Your Mind, Wherever You Go, Conventional Wisdom and Just A Habit. An solid album from start to finish and well This album combines all of the elements that make Built To Spill so amazing: the long guitar jams reminicent of "Perfect From Now On", the melodic pop of "Keep It Like a Secret", and the psychadellic twists of "Ancient Melodies of the Future". Standout songs include Goin Against Your Mind, Wherever You Go, Conventional Wisdom and Just A Habit. An solid album from start to finish and well worth the five year wait! Expand
  35. romanmc
    Apr 11, 2006
    I forgot how f***ing good this band is.
  36. DaveN
    Apr 12, 2006
    Amazing. Doug Martsch is a bona fide guitar god.
  37. Judah
    Apr 13, 2006
    This music is epic and intimate and physical and mental!(!) all at the same time. Admittedly, it takes about four straight listens (on the headphones) to feel all the complexities. This is a huge album for a band that sees itself as anything but huge...just four (or five) guys in the studio, loving the guitar. The songs are amazing...Liar, Gone, Mess with Time, Traces, the Wait...not one This music is epic and intimate and physical and mental!(!) all at the same time. Admittedly, it takes about four straight listens (on the headphones) to feel all the complexities. This is a huge album for a band that sees itself as anything but huge...just four (or five) guys in the studio, loving the guitar. The songs are amazing...Liar, Gone, Mess with Time, Traces, the Wait...not one weak song on the album. The only thing i would change is maybe take out about 30 seconds of the guitar noodling in the last third of Conventional Wisdom. Otherwise...flawless. Expand
  38. Drew
    Apr 13, 2006
    Another outstanding effort. The album is so RAW and straightforward ... a nice change of pace from their previous albums. After 5 listens, I'm not sure I would rank it better than PFNO or KILAS, which are both 10s. It's certainly as good or better than There's Nothing Wrong With Love, which is saying a lot. It ain't easy to top those masterpieces. As a testament to Another outstanding effort. The album is so RAW and straightforward ... a nice change of pace from their previous albums. After 5 listens, I'm not sure I would rank it better than PFNO or KILAS, which are both 10s. It's certainly as good or better than There's Nothing Wrong With Love, which is saying a lot. It ain't easy to top those masterpieces. As a testament to BTS' understated greatness: Can you name more than any U.S. bands who have produced this many quality albums (5 in my book)? The list is small and Built to Spill is on it. Expand
  39. robb
    Jun 25, 2006
    This is one heckuva an album. 'Nuff said.

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    More enjoyably organic-sounding than most of 2001's too pristine Ancient Melodies of the Future. [14 Apr 2006, p.86]
  2. A record that progresses as a sequence of dislocated sounds, an expressionist's puzzlebox that comes alive when distanced from one's preconceived notion of what a Built to Spill record should sound like.
  3. Though there are no great surprises on You in Reverse, it is one of Built to Spill's strongest efforts, and anyone who has followed their career knows that this is high praise indeed.