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Generally favorable reviews- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 54
  2. Negative: 4 out of 54
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  1. Oct 22, 2021
    After onroading into Biffy Clyro from Infinity Land (what I consider to be the band's magnum opus) I've always felt let down by the ensuing albums. Obviously the band branched out into less bleak and more widely accessible writing territory which did wonders for their commercial appeal and they are legitimately very talented writers of pop songs but that was never why I fell in love withAfter onroading into Biffy Clyro from Infinity Land (what I consider to be the band's magnum opus) I've always felt let down by the ensuing albums. Obviously the band branched out into less bleak and more widely accessible writing territory which did wonders for their commercial appeal and they are legitimately very talented writers of pop songs but that was never why I fell in love with them.

    Their ability on Infinity Land and also their earlier works to seamlessly combine supremely unsettling passages with bouncy pop hooks was incredibly unique and appealing to me but it feels like as their sound progressed, more and more of that eerie unsettling vibe was getting left on the cutting room floor. I'm happy to report that Myth leans surpisingly heavily back into that territory. Tracks like Holy Water feel like a great marriage between the two musical worlds Biffy have created over their long and storied career.

    This is the blend of their previous works and newer endeavours I've been hoping the band would produce for a long time now and I hope it's not just an anomaly because even though it's not as commercially viable, some of their best compositions are to be found on their first 3 albums (particularly album 3, Infinity Land).

    Whilst this album still doesn't go quite as far as I'd like back into that excellent territory, it does enough for a lapsed fan like myself to find enough to cling onto whilst also satiating the newer more commercial fanbase they've accrued in recent years.

    Fingers crossed they can carry this balance through into their future output because it's a big relief to have one of my previously favourite artists come back into my life in a way that I find engaging to listen to again.
  2. Oct 22, 2021
    Stunning record. Visceral, raw and completely unpredictable - this is Biffy at their peak. Reminds me of Puzzle at times...which means it's phenomenal.
  3. Oct 28, 2021
    A great listen from start to finish. Pushes the Biffy sound forward while keeping all the heartfelt softness and crushing riffs you expect.

    For me it ends on a massive high with one of my favourite ever tracks, 'slurpy slurpy sleep sleep' is just devastatingly good.

    Nailed it.
  4. Oct 22, 2021
    Is it just me or is there a really low bar in "rock" music. This is not bad music, it's really pretty good, but there is absolutely nothing original about it. Every bit sounds like something else.
    Sadly, indie/alt rock has become middle-of-the-road and boring. The lack of creativity, EXPERIMENTATION is sad.
  5. Oct 22, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A los artistas de hoy en día parece ya no importarles mucho la producción tampoco la calidad y el corte final de las canciones y la música por lo que este álbum se siente vacío e incompleto Expand
  6. Jul 5, 2022
    You go into a Biffy Clyro knowing what to expect and "The Myth of the Happily Ever After" meets those expectations. Like the BC records that went before this one, it's big, melodic, anthemic hardish rock. You don't get to bring out album number 9 and have it sound this energetic unless your still enjoying it. They still sound authentic and aren't phoning it in yet. Bound to please existingYou go into a Biffy Clyro knowing what to expect and "The Myth of the Happily Ever After" meets those expectations. Like the BC records that went before this one, it's big, melodic, anthemic hardish rock. You don't get to bring out album number 9 and have it sound this energetic unless your still enjoying it. They still sound authentic and aren't phoning it in yet. Bound to please existing fans and might even grab a few new ones. Expand
  7. Oct 27, 2021
    Biffy at their peak. Celebration of endings was a very beautiful and unique album that brought a lot of Biffy magic, but also had to work as a movie soundtrack. Celebration of Endings is great, but feels very mainstream and a little sanitised.

    This album feels like they got to write what they wanted, about the things they felt most passionate about at the time, it really comes through in
    Biffy at their peak. Celebration of endings was a very beautiful and unique album that brought a lot of Biffy magic, but also had to work as a movie soundtrack. Celebration of Endings is great, but feels very mainstream and a little sanitised.

    This album feels like they got to write what they wanted, about the things they felt most passionate about at the time, it really comes through in tracks like Holy Water or Hunger in your Haunt. There is a level of Authenticity that felt restrained since Opposites, and it's so amazing to have back.


  8. Dec 4, 2021
    Best album since Puzzle , superb ! ........................................
  9. peo
    Oct 22, 2021
    The myth of the happily ever after its the bravest, sincerest and more eclectic record the band has ever put out
    a very unpredictable gem ,the first listen was strange but little by little it has been winning over time.
  10. Nov 23, 2021
    Lyrics are okay, but in general the sound is very generic, and very uninspired. Sonically it's all over the place, never really finding a genre, which could be a good thing, but in this case it just sounds like he's got a lot of people he's inspired by and just made a cluster of different genres with no rhyme or reason. It just sounds all over the place, and in the end of the day, it wasLyrics are okay, but in general the sound is very generic, and very uninspired. Sonically it's all over the place, never really finding a genre, which could be a good thing, but in this case it just sounds like he's got a lot of people he's inspired by and just made a cluster of different genres with no rhyme or reason. It just sounds all over the place, and in the end of the day, it was 50 mins of material I won't be revisiting. Expand
  11. Jan 31, 2023
    ok this is an okay album with some decent tracks but there is something i don't like about this album.
    the album is kind of maybe is racist and as an american i think all livers matter even the ones with liver cirrus overall just kind of bad 0/10
  12. Oct 22, 2021
    With a band as prolific as Biffy Clyro you’d expect to encounter some stinkers in their album catalogue. Well, guess what… !? Yup. They’ve only gone and put out yet another glorious piece of work! 9/10
  13. Oct 23, 2021
    Un disco consistente que nos entrega maravillas de principio a fin.
    A mi en lo particular me encantó! Considero que todos los arreglos funcionan impecables. Para mi es un sólido 10/10
  14. Oct 29, 2021
    Arriving just over a year after their eighth record A Celebration Of Endings, Biffy Clyro are back, in a highly explosive and hefty manner. With heavy, edgy power-type anthems (DumDum, A Hunger In Your Haunt), to the calmest of Grand Piano ballads (Unknown Male 01), the Kilmarnock band have ensured that this studio album is showing a new type of energy and a beam of hope to old supporters,Arriving just over a year after their eighth record A Celebration Of Endings, Biffy Clyro are back, in a highly explosive and hefty manner. With heavy, edgy power-type anthems (DumDum, A Hunger In Your Haunt), to the calmest of Grand Piano ballads (Unknown Male 01), the Kilmarnock band have ensured that this studio album is showing a new type of energy and a beam of hope to old supporters, as if a signal that they have no plan to stop. Expand
  15. Nov 3, 2021
    A great mix of Biffy's early post-hardcore and their later pop-rock/alt rock. Admittedly a couple of songs were quite weak (Existed/DumDum I didn't enjoy as much, and I find the intro to Slurpy Slurpy Sleep Sleep slightly annoying, although the rest of the song is brilliant) but genuinely there are some of the best songs they've ever produced on this album, and the more I listen to it theA great mix of Biffy's early post-hardcore and their later pop-rock/alt rock. Admittedly a couple of songs were quite weak (Existed/DumDum I didn't enjoy as much, and I find the intro to Slurpy Slurpy Sleep Sleep slightly annoying, although the rest of the song is brilliant) but genuinely there are some of the best songs they've ever produced on this album, and the more I listen to it the more I enjoy it! Expand
  16. Nov 4, 2021
    Biffy at their best. Expected leftovers from A Celebration of Endings, got a brilliant, fully realized masterpiece. Epic.
  17. Jan 7, 2022
    Can't remember the last time I've listened to an album without a single weak moment in it. Start to finish this album is Biffy doing what Biffy do and doing it to a level they never have previously.
  18. Feb 14, 2022
    With their ninth studio album "The Myth of the Happily Ever After", Biffy Clyro once again succeeds in creating an exciting, completely unpredictable alt-rock record. Distinguished by an energetic, creative and never boring sound, as well as a combination of countless genres, that sometimes you even wish they would finally choose one.

    Sonically it could be better elaborated, because
    With their ninth studio album "The Myth of the Happily Ever After", Biffy Clyro once again succeeds in creating an exciting, completely unpredictable alt-rock record. Distinguished by an energetic, creative and never boring sound, as well as a combination of countless genres, that sometimes you even wish they would finally choose one.

    Sonically it could be better elaborated, because sometimes the music sounds dull and fuzzy and at other parts it is just all over the place. Overall though, there are some punching, hard-riffing songs on there and even if it's not as excellent as the critics say; it's a solid rock album from Biffy.

    My favorites:
    "A Hunger in Your Haunt"
    "Unknown Male 01"
    "Holy Water"
    "Errors in the History of God"

    ~ Fürstenberg
    February 14, 2022
  19. Jul 22, 2022
    I think it's their best record for a while. Can't get enough of it. Slurpy Slurpy is insane

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Dec 10, 2021
    While technically a companion work to 2020's A Celebration of Endings, Biffy Clyro's ninth studio album, the emotionally sanguine The Myth of Happily Ever After, stands on its own.
  2. Dec 8, 2021
    The Myth Of The Happily Ever After doesn’t just stand out, it soars, inadvertently becoming not only Biffy Clyro’s best album to date but one that will undoubtedly stun their critics.
  3. Oct 25, 2021
    The Myth of the Happily Ever After serves as an excellent and shockingly ambitious outing from a band that seemed to be trending in all the wrong directions not long ago. With this album, they’ve reclaimed control of their story.