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Universal acclaim- based on 82 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 77 out of 82
  2. Negative: 4 out of 82
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  1. May 2, 2023
    Jessie Ware, que orgulho! Mais uma vez ela subiu o nível e entregou um álbum super coeso, super animado, uma delícia de escutar do início ao fim! Me deixou um gostinho de "quero mais" da melhor forma possível não por ser um álbum curto, mas por querer mais e mais desse som maravilhoso que só Jessie Ware sabe entregar! Obrigado, maravilhosa!
  2. Apr 28, 2023
    She's only gone and done it again! What's Your Pleasure was very sophisticated but rich in terms of production and sound, but this album is a whole new level of greatness. This is a blend of funk, disco, dance and R&B which you easily get from the get-go. My personal favourite is Lightning, but you need to listen to the album several times to truly immerse yourself into it!
  3. Apr 30, 2023
    E eu pensando que ela não poderia fazer algo melhor que o “What’s Your Pleasure?”. Me enganei! É um álbum mais maduro, mais coeso e embalável do início ao fim, como uma boa noitada, regada a muito vinho, champanhe e amor, que é o que falta no mundo e Jessie vem trazendo essa mensagem de esperança. Não desistir, se possível, começar de novo!
  4. Apr 28, 2023
    A completely amazing album, I loved it from beginning to end, Hello Love is my favorite
  5. Aug 29, 2023
    Wow. Just wow. It has now been 4 months since this album was released and I still find it hard to find the right words to describe how perfect it is. Everything about this album is out of this world and, to be completely honest, I am so happy to live in a world where artists like Jessie Ware put out records like this one! Not only did this album make me fall in love with music in a wholeWow. Just wow. It has now been 4 months since this album was released and I still find it hard to find the right words to describe how perfect it is. Everything about this album is out of this world and, to be completely honest, I am so happy to live in a world where artists like Jessie Ware put out records like this one! Not only did this album make me fall in love with music in a whole different way that I hadn't before, it made me look at life through a completely different lens, and I am so happy it did! Miss Jessie, I cannot express how grateful I am for this album, THANK YOU for giving me the pleasure of having it in my life! Expand
  6. Apr 28, 2023
  7. May 3, 2023
    Even though it's not as expansive as as What's Your Pleasure it still goes really hard and it's overall such a great record. A bit too short but maybe hits all the right spots. Hello Love, Beautiful People, Free Yourself and Begin Again are straight bangers
  8. May 8, 2023
    It's rate that an album comes out that doesn't have any filler anywhere and even more rare in the pop-dance genre, yet here we are; a brilliant groovy album taking inspiration from all kind of dance history that oozes with sexuality and humour. Great album, great songs, can't be missed!
  9. May 1, 2023
    A lot campier than What's Your Pleasure, but somehow even more elegant? How does she do it? Another instant classic
  10. Apr 28, 2023
    Un álbum magnífico. Totalmente distinto en sonido a WYP, pero siempre jugando con el DISCO. la capacidad vocal de Jessie es MAGNÍFICA, tiene una voz que pocas cantantes poseen en la actualidad, la producción de las canciones suenan muy exquisitas, el maximalismo de las voces te envuelve y hace que quieras bailar. Mejores canciones: Freak me Now, These Lips, That! Feels Good!. Lo único malUn álbum magnífico. Totalmente distinto en sonido a WYP, pero siempre jugando con el DISCO. la capacidad vocal de Jessie es MAGNÍFICA, tiene una voz que pocas cantantes poseen en la actualidad, la producción de las canciones suenan muy exquisitas, el maximalismo de las voces te envuelve y hace que quieras bailar. Mejores canciones: Freak me Now, These Lips, That! Feels Good!. Lo único mal
    De este álbum es que es muy corto.
  11. Apr 28, 2023
    This is a **** masterpiece, Jessie ware always slay, this is one of the best disco albums i heard
  12. Apr 28, 2023
    Jessie is on a high follow WYP, with the more frisky, risky sister / aunty of That! Feels good!. Some songs having you smile from ear to ear due to innuendo, others making you want to get you up off your seat, throw your hands up in the air and dance.

    Jessie experiments more with her voice, and the production value is as great as WYP era. She's still on her A game and we're thirsty for more.
  13. Apr 28, 2023
    One of the best album of the decade and incredible positive follow up from What’s Your pleasure?… full of bangers, creatively crafted and executed… very camp and empowering enthusiastic euphoric… Jessie Ware is very underrated artist and singer but level of her talent being overlooked and not being pushed payola’d is a crime ! It’s a younger sister for WYP? that takes you into 70’s andOne of the best album of the decade and incredible positive follow up from What’s Your pleasure?… full of bangers, creatively crafted and executed… very camp and empowering enthusiastic euphoric… Jessie Ware is very underrated artist and singer but level of her talent being overlooked and not being pushed payola’d is a crime ! It’s a younger sister for WYP? that takes you into 70’s and 80’s disco dance floor vibe and atmosphere. Expand
  14. Apr 29, 2023
    Jessie entregou outra obra prima disco, feliz que a diva se encontrou mesmo no estilo.
  15. Aug 14, 2023
    Un bijou et des productions de James Ford et Stuart Price au top ! Voilà « That! Feels Good! », un album extraordinaire qui est sans doute l’un des meilleurs albums de l’année 2023. Tout y est : l’émotion, l’euphorie et surtout l’impression que Jessie Ware s’est éclatée et est passionnée par son métier. Un soin méticuleux a été apporté à chaque morceau de ce nouvel opus, comme sur leUn bijou et des productions de James Ford et Stuart Price au top ! Voilà « That! Feels Good! », un album extraordinaire qui est sans doute l’un des meilleurs albums de l’année 2023. Tout y est : l’émotion, l’euphorie et surtout l’impression que Jessie Ware s’est éclatée et est passionnée par son métier. Un soin méticuleux a été apporté à chaque morceau de ce nouvel opus, comme sur le grandiose « Begin Again », tout simplement époustouflant ! Dans cet album, on danse, on frissonne et on s’évade… En bref, à écouter en boucle !
    Mention honorable à la chanson titre et à deux des trois singles sortis « Free Yourself » et « Freak Me Now », ainsi qu’à l’hypnotique « Lightning »…
    Hâte d’entendre le prochain projet musical de Jessie Ware.
  16. Jul 30, 2023
    MOTHER IS MOTHERING this time again. Serve as a sister of What's Your Pleasure, this album invites us to a ballroom with glitter, bubbly champagne, sensual moments that makes us happy.
  17. Apr 28, 2023
    Jessie Ware has done it again and can now easily lay claim to putting out two of this decades best records. There is a definite switch to a more Motown funk / soul / R&B disco vibe than what she presented on "What's Your Pleasure" so its great to see that Jessie is not simply remaking "What's Your Pleasure Part II" for 2023.

    I've given it 5 listens already and while I don't feel like it
    Jessie Ware has done it again and can now easily lay claim to putting out two of this decades best records. There is a definite switch to a more Motown funk / soul / R&B disco vibe than what she presented on "What's Your Pleasure" so its great to see that Jessie is not simply remaking "What's Your Pleasure Part II" for 2023.

    I've given it 5 listens already and while I don't feel like it quite hits the highs of its predecessor (which in my eyes was a remarkable album, 2020's finest in fact), "That! Feels Good!" is still a darn good album. One of the years finest in fact.

    Between Caroline Polachek and Jessie Ware, 2023's pop lanes have two new ruling Queens.
  18. May 30, 2023
    Jessie Ware is everything that is completely good with life and music. I'm speechless.
  19. Apr 29, 2023
    I feel like she has found her voice with her last record and then she's managed to bring out this one which is just as good as What's Your Pleasure?. So full of life and catchy tunes. Can't wait to finally see her live!
  20. Apr 29, 2023
    Amazing vocals and amazing production. The disco vibes are immaculate, there’s a sensuality to it that is just so sexy!
  21. Jul 9, 2023
    That! Feels good! is an amazing journey fulfilled with joy and freedom! Younger sibling of What's your pleasure brings you to the next level of party, it's a full set ready to be played! Songs are extremely catchy and each track makes you vibe! What's more Ware's work with her background singers delivers amazing vocals and gives every listener incredible sensation! Everyone should dive inThat! Feels good! is an amazing journey fulfilled with joy and freedom! Younger sibling of What's your pleasure brings you to the next level of party, it's a full set ready to be played! Songs are extremely catchy and each track makes you vibe! What's more Ware's work with her background singers delivers amazing vocals and gives every listener incredible sensation! Everyone should dive in and Feel good! Expand
  22. Apr 28, 2023
    And there I was thinking disco/funk in new pop was feeling a bit tired? Oh god, honey, no - That! Feels Good! Yes, the album draws strong influences from 70s disco/funk but Jessie has spun something fresh. She's gone further and delved deeper to understand the genre-origins - labours of love that have clearly paid off in crafting nu-age disco-pop that, on the surface is, campy, bold andAnd there I was thinking disco/funk in new pop was feeling a bit tired? Oh god, honey, no - That! Feels Good! Yes, the album draws strong influences from 70s disco/funk but Jessie has spun something fresh. She's gone further and delved deeper to understand the genre-origins - labours of love that have clearly paid off in crafting nu-age disco-pop that, on the surface is, campy, bold and anthemic, and between the lines is, fully-realised, meticulous and clever as hell. Above all, Jessie's cheeky, sparkling charisma shines through and the album is FUN. Expand
  23. Apr 28, 2023
    Confident, killer choruses, catchy lyrics. This album delivers sophisticated pop which has become Jessie's synonym.
  24. May 7, 2023
    Sprudelwasser à la volée. Ich bin mir sicher, James Bond und John Travolta hören gerade die Platte.
  25. May 19, 2023
    esse álbum é bom mas não é do meu gosto, fez um ótimo trabalho Jessie mas não é pra mim
  26. May 18, 2023
    Estoy algo decepcionado, realmente la amo, pero no puedo conectar con esta música disco
  27. May 19, 2023
    Personalmente no me gustó el dico, siento que es tan parecido a su trabajo anterior y eso me causa conflicto.

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. May 1, 2023
    It’s an album that confirms the sound of an artist continuing to push forward, a unified expression of joy that is never anything but bold, playful and fun.
  2. May 1, 2023
    It’s albums like That! Feels Good! that younger generations and trendsetters should be paying more attention to, as incorporating the still-relevant past into new work is not only what can make some of the best art but some of the bravest art.
  3. Apr 28, 2023
    That! Feels Good! is unapologetic in its pop sensibilities, full of hooks that lightly tease and lyrics that keep themselves around. Ware's airy yet soulful delivery of these words, coos and moans is part of what makes her so captivating, and acts as a direct line to how much fun she's having.