• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: Jun 17, 2022

Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Jun 16, 2022
    Overall, ‘Supernova’ is exactly what it says on the tin - a bright burst of energy that will leave you awe-struck.
  2. 70
    This second album brings the heft and enormity to make them serious contenders. [Jul 2022, p.78]
  3. Jun 17, 2022
    Nova Twins bend and blend genres like alchemists, generating a sound specific to them and the undertones of their social movement. ... Supernova is like our generation’s “f**k you” to every version of “the man,” much like The Clash did in 1977 and Rage Against the Machine did in 1992.
  4. Jun 16, 2022
    Never has an album title been better chosen - the duo are at the centre of a brightly burning, ever-expanding sonic explosion, all of their own making, and just like a supernova, it is utterly stunning to witness. Bow down to the queens.
  5. Jun 24, 2022
    Tons of artists have knocked down genre walls in the past, yet few have done it with as much confidence and swagger as Nova Twins on their explosive sophomore album Supernova.
  6. Jun 16, 2022
    Supernova basks in its own raw originality and kicks any naysayers to the curb with its unforgettable impact.
  7. 100
    Rightly championed as a vital new voice in the world of rock, Nova Twins haven’t let any of that pressure get in the way of creating a flamboyant, fantastic second album that’s as playful as it is powerful.
  8. Jun 16, 2022
    An album that’s inventive, angry, witty, original and pretty irresistible. Supernova is a riot of its own.
  9. 80
    A handful of the album’s later tracks, including “Sleep Paralysis” and the restless “Choose Your Fighter”, do perhaps fall short of other songs’ ‘absolute banger’ status, but nowhere is there an outright miss.
  10. Jun 24, 2022
    In lesser hands, an album that at times sounds like R2D2 breakdancing in an industrial spin-dryer might make for trying company. Yet, for all their Day-Glo stridency, Nova Twins not only know how to write songs, but how to arrange them too.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 48 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 48
  2. Negative: 9 out of 48
  1. Jul 21, 2022
    it's amazing the way the girls used modern elements to incorporate into their rock/metal compositions. The traits of R&B and Rap throughoutit's amazing the way the girls used modern elements to incorporate into their rock/metal compositions. The traits of R&B and Rap throughout the album bring even more uniqueness to the narrative. IT IS FACINATING, REPRESENTATIVE, INSPIRING AND EMPOWERING. Full Review »
  2. Jul 22, 2022
    Supernova is Amy and Georgia's chest of saved energy to the world, defying the life of being independent, British, Black women in the musicSupernova is Amy and Georgia's chest of saved energy to the world, defying the life of being independent, British, Black women in the music industry. It's been a totally entertaining rollercoaster ride, and I'm willing to pay for another round.

    fav tracks: "Cleopatra", "Puzzles", "Fire & Ice", "Enemy" & "Sleep Paralysis"
    KEY-TRACK: "A Dark Place for Somewhere Beautiful"
    Full Review »
  3. Dec 25, 2022
    A musically diverse, complex, brilliantly constructed album that’s impossible to truly categorize. They took everything that was good aboutA musically diverse, complex, brilliantly constructed album that’s impossible to truly categorize. They took everything that was good about their first album, refined it, and made it better. I think I’ve listened to this album about 80 times since it was released earlier this year. Full Review »