
Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 21
  2. Negative: 11 out of 21
  1. For the most part, though, Rebirth underlines what he can't: the problem of rap-metal remains unsolvable, even by him.
  2. When he emerged from his stupor, he announced that he was giving up rap to make a guitar album. Which brings us to ‘Rebirth’, a shlock-rock record so absurd it makes Alien Ant Farm seem like a legitimate musical venture.
  3. The problem is that Wayne has very questionable taste in rock. He splutters and wails over tracks stuffed with aggro stomp and bland riffage; it sounds like he's been holing up with a bunch of Spymob and Incubus records.
  4. The result is not a rock record as much as a total misperception of what makes a rock record. The base elements are all here (the sex and sleaze and guitar solos), but they're delivered in such a flat, awkward way that they feel interpreted by an alien.
  5. “Rebirth” doesn’t swing, it staggers, and Wayne’s bullfrog rasp is distorted by Auto-tune, apparently to mask the fact that he can’t sing.
  6. A nimble, almost balletic rapper on countless mixtapes, singles, and Billboard-topping collaborations, the 27-year-old comes across both muddled and belligerent on the much-delayed, extensively leaked Rebirth.
  7. The songs might have been better as parodies than as imitations, although “Knockout” — a Coldplay homage backing a raunchy lyric — comes close to being both.
  8. "Rebirth" deserves its reputation as one of the worst albums of the year so far. With luck, Wayne will return to what he does best -- and soon.
  9. It’s more interesting to ponder Wayne's reasons for making Rebirth than to actually listen to it, because the end result is a loud and ignorable bore.
  10. Lil Wayne’s status and influence is now clearly working against him, the choice to release a rock record has backfired, yet obviously no-one has had the guts or inclination to tell him that the overblown choruses and riffs of Rebirth drag him away from the in-your-face lyricism and unorthadox flows that he is best at.
  11. Rebirth is – without qualification – the most embarrassing album of the last 10 years. Embarrassing for him, for his audience, for rap, for humanity.
  12. Concocting the world's finest excrement-related rhymes, Rebirth is most definitely a flop, terribly unsexy, and contains surprisingly few shit jokes.
  13. Rebirth sounds like a strange dispatch from a lost ’80s in which Wayne trafficked in cheesy power chords, cornball hard-rock atmospherics, lame guitar solos for beginners, rock clichés, and Reagan-era synthesizers.
  14. Herein lays Wayne's problem: he clearly has no understanding of rock.
  15. There’s nothing wrong with experimentation, and a handful of rock tracks here could have worked well. But to make a whole album based around a sound Lil Wayne is so inexperienced with is simply outrageous.
  16. Rebirth is career suicide for everybody except for Lil’ Wayne, just as hanging with him drug-wise for a night would be (I see him coaching a new friend, “No, you have to inhale through your eye“).
  17. Rebirth" has moments of genius, and those moments almost always coincide with coupling fiery emotion with punk's propulsive rhythm.
  18. Tere are no sultry Organized Noize beats, no effortless Sleepy Brown hooks, no ferocious Raekwon verses—just an endless stream of abysmally written, Auto Tune-drenched nothings.
  19. The derivativeness quickly overwhelms.
  20. Although the cleaner melodies and pop polish seem to mute the rapper's stream-of-consciousness salvos, he still shines on "Drop the World," featuring Eminem.
  21. Uncut
    At least it is in its worst moments the songs beome subservient to clunky genre experiment. [Apr 2010, p.92]
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 210 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 210
  1. Dogbiscuit
    Feb 19, 2010
    Don't give it a zero. 'Drop The World' and the intro to 'Runnin' were kinda good.
  2. Jan 17, 2012
    Drop The World and one other song were good, but the rest of the album is just a horrible and disgusting mix of rock and pop. WORST ALBUMDrop The World and one other song were good, but the rest of the album is just a horrible and disgusting mix of rock and pop. WORST ALBUM EVER! I never knew a legend like Lil Wayne could disgrace himself this much. Full Review »
  3. Jun 3, 2011
    Hip Hop went from LL Cool J, Boogie Down Productions, RUN DMC, Rakim, Big Daddy Kane, A Tribe called Quest, Kool G Rap, NWA, Too Short, Nas,Hip Hop went from LL Cool J, Boogie Down Productions, RUN DMC, Rakim, Big Daddy Kane, A Tribe called Quest, Kool G Rap, NWA, Too Short, Nas, pioneers of Hip Hop to this!!! Hip Hop hasn't even lasted half a century and albums like this get Platinum certification and are able to be Mainstream. Hip Hop is going downhill and more ignorant fans emerge from the surface, where is the Hip Hop fans who could acknowledge support the great artists, don't look for the commericial artists find the real ones. Full Review »