• Record Label: EMI
  • Release Date: Jun 30, 2023

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Jul 11, 2023
    For a record titled ‘Messy’ it could ironically do with being a little less neat and tidy.
  2. Jul 6, 2023
    A bold, impressive debut offering, it finds the songwriter’s perfectionist streak paying off.
  3. Jul 6, 2023
    Messy has been given time to come to fruition, and that shows through every note. It’s a fine demonstration of Olivia Dean’s talent, and sounds every inch a marker of a long and successful career.
  4. 80
    Dean may have not shed all of her growing pains, but ‘Messy’ ultimately does everything a debut should, uniting multiple stories with a clear, radiant voice.
  5. Jun 30, 2023
    Among the hackneyed British soul tropes, the 24-year-old clearly has a distinct vision of off-kilter pop.
  6. 90
    No matter how disorganised Olivia Dean proclaims this album to be, she doesn’t miss a beat – and instead generates a record with just about everything to deem itself ‘perfect’.
  7. Jun 30, 2023
    It reaffirms what she’s been doing right; it also claims new possibilities.

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