• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Jan 20, 2009
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 627 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 55 out of 627

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  1. CurtisB.
    Nov 24, 2009
    Amazing. Beautiful. Incomparable. Fresh. Fun. Ahead of our time.
  2. SF7
    Dec 23, 2010
    This is not an accessible album to anyone. The strange, off the wall interwoven melodies and harmonies that at first appear as a hodgepodge of color and sound, eventually unravel into a masterfully crafted work of art. AC's 2009 effort will be seen as a landmark in music, and will pave the way for more musicians (as it already has for Ariel Pink) in the avant-indie world. In this world,This is not an accessible album to anyone. The strange, off the wall interwoven melodies and harmonies that at first appear as a hodgepodge of color and sound, eventually unravel into a masterfully crafted work of art. AC's 2009 effort will be seen as a landmark in music, and will pave the way for more musicians (as it already has for Ariel Pink) in the avant-indie world. In this world, it is often hard for people to discern honest emotion from radio tailored singles. The most striking feature about this work is that it IS catchy, and it IS innovative. If you're not into exploring and accepting new genres of music, broadening your perspective on displays of genuine human intent, or flat out trying something different, then go ahead and stick to your conventional go-to nickelback **** Enjoy your aimless, tasteless sing-a-longs and don't write your opinion, because it does not matter. Expand
  3. KurtC
    Mar 27, 2009
    Exceptionally solid album from beginning to end. More melody and harmonies than past albums. They're venturing out into more uncharted electronic territory (while still carrying their guitars and floor tom along). Great listen.
  4. JeremyC.
    Jan 20, 2009
    Stunning. Simply stunning. Enough said. If you don't enjoy this album, either your ears are broken or you're dead.
  5. MattL
    Jan 12, 2010
    I've owned this album for around 6 months now and it has slowly made it's way into my top 5 favourite albums of all time. Like all good albums, the more you listen the better it gets. Merriweather Post Pavillion really shines in the way it evokes a certain feeling (sometimes many feelings within the same song) and transports the listen deep into it's hypnotic sound scape. I've owned this album for around 6 months now and it has slowly made it's way into my top 5 favourite albums of all time. Like all good albums, the more you listen the better it gets. Merriweather Post Pavillion really shines in the way it evokes a certain feeling (sometimes many feelings within the same song) and transports the listen deep into it's hypnotic sound scape. It is a rare thing when an album truly sounds like nothing else happening in music at the moment without alienating it's audience completely. Animal Collective continuously prove to be one of the most important bands in music today and this album along with Strawberry Jam is further proof of that. Expand
  6. BobbyY
    Jan 20, 2009
    Great album. Solid through and through. Only thing I miss is the prominence of Avey's screams.
  7. TomT.
    Jan 25, 2009
    Things like "streamlined" and "accessible" dont mean its better than previous albums. if anything it means its more disposable and doesnt hold up after severals listens.
  8. DK
    Feb 10, 2009
    It isn't terrible, and it is certainly interesting in parts, but I can't fathom people calling this a classic. Strawberry Jam and Feels, those were very good albums - probably in the 8 out of 10 range - but this just feels like a step back, a retread homage to Pet Sounds era Beach Boys. And I have tried to love this album - listened in the morning, in the car, while exercising, It isn't terrible, and it is certainly interesting in parts, but I can't fathom people calling this a classic. Strawberry Jam and Feels, those were very good albums - probably in the 8 out of 10 range - but this just feels like a step back, a retread homage to Pet Sounds era Beach Boys. And I have tried to love this album - listened in the morning, in the car, while exercising, while meditating, lying in bed in the dark with killer headphones (which is the best way to experience it), in a bad mood, in a good mood - it just doesn't do "it" for me the way other great albums have. Having said that, the first four tracks are very strong, but it really drops off after Summertime Clothes and it doesn't really give you anything to hold on to again until the closer Brother Sport. Expand
  9. PatrickC
    Feb 16, 2009
    The beatles album of the new century. organic, sonic-filled, and deeply layered to make an orgasmic mix of beauty.
  10. KenM
    Mar 17, 2009
    I'd like to give it points for its brazen, happy weirdness but there are a whole bunch of bands doing that right now too. Unless you are using the same mind altering substances the band uses when making these tracks, you may find listening to this as forgettable as I did. Listen to stereolab's earlier experimental work and that's better than anything we get here.
  11. ZaneS
    Mar 27, 2009
    Very weird. Very weird.
  12. HarryG
    Feb 17, 2009
    I hate voting 10s but when it is deserved, then it must be. Nothing else like it and more to the point not much near as good. This is one way to the future of music
  13. weave
    Mar 2, 2009
    Already destined to be the most overrated album of the year. Not that it's terrible, but it just pales in comparison to Sung Tongs or Panda Bear's Person Pitch. It's one of those situations where people catch up to a great act past their prime and feel compelled to say they're great. I'm a relative Animal Collective neophyte myself, but I can see they're Already destined to be the most overrated album of the year. Not that it's terrible, but it just pales in comparison to Sung Tongs or Panda Bear's Person Pitch. It's one of those situations where people catch up to a great act past their prime and feel compelled to say they're great. I'm a relative Animal Collective neophyte myself, but I can see they're heading in the wrong direction. Expand
  14. ShazZ.
    Mar 17, 2009
    Most of the people here suggest listening to this album more than once to understand it's impact. With me, unfortunately, it happened the other way round. The first listening if this album was so overwhelming for me, I was like, "Wow!", that the subsequent ones have been disappointing. Maybe, I will begin to appreciate it more later. Still "Summertime Clothes", "My Girls" are great tracks.
  15. Aug 12, 2010
    I had no idea who Animal Collective was before this CD and my expectations were blown. This is one of the most humbling and relatable albums I've ever heard; nearly every song touches on basic human emotions we experience throughout life. "My Girls" talks about supporting a family, "No More Runnin" deals with living without uncertainty, and "Summertime Clothes" goes into the simpleI had no idea who Animal Collective was before this CD and my expectations were blown. This is one of the most humbling and relatable albums I've ever heard; nearly every song touches on basic human emotions we experience throughout life. "My Girls" talks about supporting a family, "No More Runnin" deals with living without uncertainty, and "Summertime Clothes" goes into the simple pleasure of being beside a pretty girl. Each song is backed by a catchy beat, primarily singles like "My Girls" and "Brother Sport." Better yet, every track has a distinct sound, providing a ton of variety and playability. If you're a fan of alternative/electronic music, this album should be of interest. If the beats don't get you then maybe the lyrics will connect. As I said, I didn't know who the hell AC was before this record...but after many listens I think this is the best album of 2009. Expand
  16. Jul 10, 2011
    An all-encompassing, perfectly layered, challenging and beautiful album.
  17. j30
    Sep 22, 2011
    One of the best records of 2009. Finally their sound comes together in this Brian Wilson inspired album.
  18. Mar 23, 2012
    One of the greatest albums of the 2000s. Great songs about simple living, love, and a dissection of cool. Some of the best songs I've ever heard. Highlights include In the Flowers, Taste, Bluish.
  19. timmyd
    Nov 29, 2009
    f*ck pitchfork. i couldnt care less about what they have to say and started loving this album way before i even heard their review. this is easily one of the greatest albums of the decade; but it is totally not accessible by everyone. i hate to see this band's main fanbase being the hipsters i dislike so much, but then again what other group would pick this stuff up? anyways guys f*ck pitchfork. i couldnt care less about what they have to say and started loving this album way before i even heard their review. this is easily one of the greatest albums of the decade; but it is totally not accessible by everyone. i hate to see this band's main fanbase being the hipsters i dislike so much, but then again what other group would pick this stuff up? anyways guys eyes is an amazing song, and i have listened to this album a sh*tload since it has been released. Believe the hype. Expand
  20. PeteA
    Feb 21, 2009
    When it comes to inventive records you feel eager to unravel the mystery. You need many listening sessions to enjoy many of those inventive masterpieces. To be inventive you need to be first, a pioneer. This record is not first of it`s kind - it`s not even the best one of same "dreamsound". It`s easy to prefer Shins and their album Wincing the night away.
  21. nash
    Dec 15, 2009
    The most overrated album of the year. Was bored after a few listens and the album is now gathering dust in the back of my collection. No doubt I will one day give it yet another listen much to my annoyance.
  22. DavidM
    Aug 10, 2009
    Animal Collective's last lp is for junkies! El último cd de Animal Collectives es para chemos!!
  23. JohnT
    Jul 6, 2009
    So many people were eager to jump on the A.C train after the Pitchfork review. "Well, they gave THIS one a nine point SIX!" Legitimately, only have these songs are worth playing more than once. While the backing noise on "In the Flowers" is nice, let's review the lyrics: "Then we could be dancing No more missing you while I'm gone There we could be dancing And you'd smile So many people were eager to jump on the A.C train after the Pitchfork review. "Well, they gave THIS one a nine point SIX!" Legitimately, only have these songs are worth playing more than once. While the backing noise on "In the Flowers" is nice, let's review the lyrics: "Then we could be dancing No more missing you while I'm gone There we could be dancing And you'd smile and say, 'I like this song'" Never... NEVER did I expect something so lame to be in an Animal Collective song. My girls suffers from equally awful lyrics. Really, the only stand out tracks are "Blueish" and "Brother Sport". This is not the best album of the year... honestly I don't know what is.. it's been a terrible year for music. Even worse, saying this is one of the best albums of the decade is despicable at best. Expand
  24. JohnF
    Sep 13, 2009
    I've really tried to like this album. After all, the gushing reviews have to be indicative of excellence, haven't they? However, after umpteen listens I've failed. I still think it's the most over-rated album I've heard in years. Yesterday, I consigned it to the garbage bin.
  25. SteveS
    Jul 31, 2009
    Look, I'm a very open-minded person about music. I used to just listen to top-40, and I got really tired of the lack of creativity and the repetitiveness. So I started branching out. Started with bands like Radiohead and Robyn; something not in the mainstream, but not difficult listening. Loved it. Went on to TV on the Radio and Fleet Foxes, and fell in love with that as well. After Look, I'm a very open-minded person about music. I used to just listen to top-40, and I got really tired of the lack of creativity and the repetitiveness. So I started branching out. Started with bands like Radiohead and Robyn; something not in the mainstream, but not difficult listening. Loved it. Went on to TV on the Radio and Fleet Foxes, and fell in love with that as well. After reading the incredible reviews for AC's MPP, I thought the reward would be just as great for this album. So wrong. Most songs have no noticeable structure, and all employ that irritating "dream-sound"; a repetitive, unnatural, synthesized sound that goes throughout the track. I admit, I can see the musical promise in songs like "My Girls" and "Guys Eyes", but these songs sound like they have no cohesive direction to hold them together. I like original, I like different, but those two qualities don't make a song good. Expand
  26. JayP
    Aug 25, 2009
    Terrible... hate it.
  27. JasonP
    Aug 25, 2009
    I think "eh..." about sums up my feelings for this album. I don't quite get what the big fuss is about with the album. Decent enough songs, but hardly I don't really hear anything that justifies all the 100 point reviews given by the critic. I will say that I have nothing but respect for Animal Collective. I appreaciate what they are trying to do, and for the most part I would I think "eh..." about sums up my feelings for this album. I don't quite get what the big fuss is about with the album. Decent enough songs, but hardly I don't really hear anything that justifies all the 100 point reviews given by the critic. I will say that I have nothing but respect for Animal Collective. I appreaciate what they are trying to do, and for the most part I would say they succeed, but they are hitting a double, not a home run. Expand
  28. RayV.
    Sep 23, 2009
    Hey! This top rated album didn't get a complete zero. It's so boring, but I gave it a one due to the lovely album cover. What utter trash. I'd rather listen to some Swedish gangsta rap performed by punked out cows. DId I mention how boring it was? I really am upset that I spent my hard earned money on this boring waste of time. Honestly. People. This is not good music by Hey! This top rated album didn't get a complete zero. It's so boring, but I gave it a one due to the lovely album cover. What utter trash. I'd rather listen to some Swedish gangsta rap performed by punked out cows. DId I mention how boring it was? I really am upset that I spent my hard earned money on this boring waste of time. Honestly. People. This is not good music by any stretch. If you haven't bought it, don't. Expand
  29. May 25, 2011
    I have tried and tried again with this album and have come to the opinion that it just isn't very good. I bought this following the copious 10/10 or 5star reviews it received in the music press, but it's... dull. It only gets 4 because of the fantastic 'My Girls'. Download that track separately and save yourself the time I wasted.
  30. JimD
    Jun 30, 2009
    I have been using Metacritic for a few years as a guide to buying new music (i.e. bands I was unfamiliar with or had never heard before), but I've got to say I don't understand the hype over this album. I've had the album for about 5 months now, and I've only managed to listen to it the whole way through 3 or 4 times. Every song sounds the same, and none of them are I have been using Metacritic for a few years as a guide to buying new music (i.e. bands I was unfamiliar with or had never heard before), but I've got to say I don't understand the hype over this album. I've had the album for about 5 months now, and I've only managed to listen to it the whole way through 3 or 4 times. Every song sounds the same, and none of them are what I would call enjoyable. I am very open-minded when it comes to avant-garde music (e.g. I like later Radiohead, 70's Miles Davis, Bjork) but MPP has identifiable rhythm, beat or melody. The same people that enjoy this kind of white noise must be big Damien Hirst fans. Expand
  31. abes
    Jan 27, 2009
    I used to be 'with it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it', and what's 'it' seems weird and scary.
  32. MattK
    Jan 31, 2009
    I don't get whats so special about this album... it doesn't play well it feels awkward to listen to. It's also not as good as the No Age album released last year which was also on this new wave of weird music which I just don't see anything in but garbled music.
  33. kevinm.
    Dec 17, 2009
    How can this even be considered a musical composition? it sounds like a bunch of douche bags with way too many synths ripping off concept work brian wilson was doing back in the 60's and 70's. I guess im just not hip enough to get it.
  34. MikeD
    Apr 13, 2009
    I like a bit a of wierd...but this album is just confusing, noisy and overated...and all the 'sheep' here would NOT have giving it 10/10 if the critics had slammed it!!!! It just aint Music people!!!!
  35. Buck
    Apr 28, 2009
    For people who prefer to think about music rather than enjoy it.
  36. MikeM.
    Jan 9, 2010
    I don't get it. I just don't get it. I enjoy all kinds of musical and agree with Metacritic most of the time. But after one listen to this, I had to force myself to listen a second time, and have no desire to do that again. Doesn't do anything for me.
  37. TonyM
    Oct 7, 2009
    When told its Kid A, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, Agaetis Byrjun, and Funeral all rolled up into one, it grabs my attention. I bought the hype. Two years down the road, this one iis destined to fill used CD bins everywhere.
  38. JohnG
    Jan 9, 2010
    Boring, pretentious trash. It sounds like all the tracks were designed to be in car commercials.
  39. nicka.
    Nov 9, 2009
    I have listened this album through now four or five times and I just don't get why it got such great reviews. I am a big fan of inde rock and listen to bands such as Dr Dog, Radiohead, Fleet Foxes and Modust Mouse, just to name a few. To me the whole album seems disjointed and off key. It really never seems to hit much of a stride. There are a few songs that are decent but to balance I have listened this album through now four or five times and I just don't get why it got such great reviews. I am a big fan of inde rock and listen to bands such as Dr Dog, Radiohead, Fleet Foxes and Modust Mouse, just to name a few. To me the whole album seems disjointed and off key. It really never seems to hit much of a stride. There are a few songs that are decent but to balance that there are a few songs that are outright annoying. I just don't understand why people were so high on this record. I don't see it growing on me, thats for sure. Expand
  40. tomb
    Dec 20, 2009
    Animal Collective has an aversion to melody. It's all about placement of strange sound effects and the repetition of those effects instead of instruments. I can't handle the slicker-than-grease production. All the songs move at the same mid-tempo pace and feel slightly different from one another. Not for me.
  41. FarrajD
    Apr 1, 2009
    This music is so bad, it could be used as an instrument for torture.
  42. MingV.
    Nov 2, 2009
    This kind of music makes me think the Americans have done so much drugs and other derangement in their whole life 'til a young age that they lost all senses of aesthetic and decency.
  43. MarkC.
    Jan 24, 2009
    This band and its albums are extremely overrated. They make mildly annoying background music.
  44. KenD
    May 10, 2009
    What a load of CRAP! How could anyone rate this album so high? I'm so glad I only paid $5 for the mp3 version because this album makes my ears hurt. I can only assume that the physical copy of this album came with a hit of ecstasy for people to have rated it so high because one surely had to be high to rate it so high. Just saw them on 5/7/09 Letterman and they are even worse live. 3 What a load of CRAP! How could anyone rate this album so high? I'm so glad I only paid $5 for the mp3 version because this album makes my ears hurt. I can only assume that the physical copy of this album came with a hit of ecstasy for people to have rated it so high because one surely had to be high to rate it so high. Just saw them on 5/7/09 Letterman and they are even worse live. 3 guys on keys/synths with 4 dancing fools in bags and multicolored lights. What a load of crap! Expand
  45. TonysT
    Jan 2, 2010
    Sorry Animal Collective - your record is clever, innovative, and very well produced, and I admire you for that, but its not enjoyable to listen to, isn't engaging, and doesn't connect with me at all.
  46. JT
    Nov 27, 2009
    Usually when an album gets phenomenal reviews, I feel it necessary to check it out to see what all the fuss is about. More often then not, these record seem to be at least decent. This is NOT the case for "Merriweather Post Pavilion". The songs are way too similar and, to be perfectly frank, boring. If this is one of the "best" albums of the year (which many critics seem to agree upon), Usually when an album gets phenomenal reviews, I feel it necessary to check it out to see what all the fuss is about. More often then not, these record seem to be at least decent. This is NOT the case for "Merriweather Post Pavilion". The songs are way too similar and, to be perfectly frank, boring. If this is one of the "best" albums of the year (which many critics seem to agree upon), then 2009 must have been the worst year in music history. Expand
  47. ErnestK.
    Dec 14, 2009
    I'm with Ray V and John F and I'll go a few steps further: I absolutely cannot fathom the critical fawning that this album and Grizzly Bear's Veckatemist have generated this year. Both, to me, are boring, completely unmemorable, tepid indie mediocrity. I'm a huge fan of Bitte Orca, Post-Nothing, Actor, The xx, and several other breakthrough Pitchfork darlings--just not I'm with Ray V and John F and I'll go a few steps further: I absolutely cannot fathom the critical fawning that this album and Grizzly Bear's Veckatemist have generated this year. Both, to me, are boring, completely unmemorable, tepid indie mediocrity. I'm a huge fan of Bitte Orca, Post-Nothing, Actor, The xx, and several other breakthrough Pitchfork darlings--just not these guys. I really don't get it other than to say that there's no accounting for taste. Yes, I have been reduced to spouting lazy cliches to try to account for my dissent against the consensus. Expand
  48. GoodMusicLover
    Nov 14, 2009
    This is really a boring and annoying album, any other album, Mainstream or not, out there is so much better. I gave it a 3 because I still think it is better than other stuff like Radiohead or other "alternative" bands that really suck. Sorry if I offend anybody with this, it's just my opinion.
  49. Darko
    Dec 27, 2009
    The most overrated album of the year. Tried to listen to it several times, but just can't get it. Somebody called it "danceable"... what a joke!
  50. JulianE
    Aug 11, 2009
    Either a experimental or a pop band not being good at either field. Nuff' said
  51. Sep 2, 2011
    This band can hit a groove and go off on an incredible tangent and bring it home BUT you have to weed through so many songs to find any coheasiveness and it can become mundane and distorted to listen to sectoraly
  52. Riccardinho
    Feb 3, 2010
    Meh. Noisy, over-produced, boring. Music for critics, not for listening to.
  53. DylanW
    Jan 20, 2009
    Doesn't sound like Animal Collective at all. If you're like me, who knows and loves Feels and Strawberry Jam, this may be jarring. I went into this album only knowing that it's supposed to be the BEST ALBUM EVER, and I came out 55 minutes later, thinking I have a different copy of the album. It took me to listen to this album to realize what I like about AC and why I like Doesn't sound like Animal Collective at all. If you're like me, who knows and loves Feels and Strawberry Jam, this may be jarring. I went into this album only knowing that it's supposed to be the BEST ALBUM EVER, and I came out 55 minutes later, thinking I have a different copy of the album. It took me to listen to this album to realize what I like about AC and why I like them. In Strawberry Jam and Feels, they use unconventional means of writing and playing music to create a mesh of noise that changes the way you think about what "music" is. Their use of dynamics, such as in Cuckoo Cuckoo is not something all can enjoy. But that's something I like about them: that it's not easy to like them. I'm not being pretentious here, I'm saying that anyone can listen to The Beatles and find it enjoyable. With a band such as AC, it'll take a few tries to like. But when you do, it will be more enjoyable than simple pop songs. With MPP, it sounds very electronic and artificial. It doesn't sound like they actually recorded any instruments for the majority of the album. This is supposedly their best work, and Panda Bear even stated that this is their best-recorded album, but to me, it sounds completely synthesized. With the exception of Guys Eyes, it doesn't sound anything like previous works of Animal Collective's. That is like most of their previous albums, but it's one thing to go from freak-folk to drum-and-bass. If you don't listen to this album as Animal Collective, you'll probably find it much more enjoyable. It's a pretty good album, but it is not Animal Collective's best work, nor is it album of the year by any means. I've been trying to like the album, but it doesn't hold up to any other AC album I have. I find the songs sound the same, with only a few stand-out tracks (Brother Sport, Summertime Clothes, Also Frightened, and Lion in a Coma). Expand
  54. JohnS
    Jan 23, 2009
    What is up with some critics today? This album is boring if you like hooks and rhythm, and don't care for uninspired Beach-Boy like singing. Seriously, it doesn't hold you attention, not unlike another very overrated group, TV On the Radio. On the plus side, AC have some fairly interesting ambient aspects which is why they earn a 4 instead of a 2 or 1.
  55. EricC
    Jun 28, 2009
    As an intensly devoted AC fan, this album is seriously perplexing. I list Here Comes the Indian, Sung Tongs, and Strawberry Jam to be among my all time favorite albums, but this one feels like one of their weakest efforts yet as a band. All the perfect scores from critics and users is bizarre. I in no way dislike this album, but they have way oversimplified their formula, leaving nearly As an intensly devoted AC fan, this album is seriously perplexing. I list Here Comes the Indian, Sung Tongs, and Strawberry Jam to be among my all time favorite albums, but this one feels like one of their weakest efforts yet as a band. All the perfect scores from critics and users is bizarre. I in no way dislike this album, but they have way oversimplified their formula, leaving nearly every song feeling underdeveloped and phoned-in. At times it felt like a mindless dance album, at others an even more mindless jam collection. Where once their music was sonically and lyrically complex it is now bland, straightforward, and often distressingly empty. It's not at all bad, and there are moments of exhilerating ecstasy, but as a whole... I don't know. It's really nothing to lose your shit over. This was the wrong album to champion a truly incredible band. Expand
  56. JohnnieT.
    Nov 12, 2009
    There is some fantastic stuff here - when they nail the blissed out 22nd century Beach Boys style(particularly on Bluish, Guys Eyes, My Girls), then it plays like a dream. Infuriatingly however, at times its undermined by its own exuberant eclecticism and the need for sonic experimentation can occasionally get in the way of those melodies. If only we could hear them!
  57. Mar 23, 2011
    these songs are just blanketed by repetitious sounds. each song blurring into the next. very annoying and unlistenable. (mind you i still enjoy their previous LP's :Sung Tongs and Feels). This is utter garbage. It sounds as if they mixed instruments into a blender, and this is what came out.
  58. Mar 8, 2012
    Am I the only one who thinks their songs' melodies sound all same? Aside from the trying-really-hard diverse and supposedly creative production, I find their music incredibly boring.
  59. NicoleV
    Jan 20, 2009
    Absolutely wonderful! Best record of the 2000's I think for sure!
  60. AndrewL
    Jan 20, 2009
    Best album I've heard in a long time.
  61. OllieH
    Mar 4, 2009
    Best album of the 2000's so far in any genre of music.
  62. Baxter
    Jan 7, 2010
    I went in expecting something terrible, as my previous experience with the band was not something I enjoyed. But what I found was one of the best albums of the year. Nice and enjoyable music that reminds me why pop is still a genre worth considering. Not the masterpiece that oh so many Pitchfork readers are calling it, but still an extremely solid and fun album.
  63. nw
    Jan 21, 2009
    Album to beat this year.
  64. TrevorL.
    Jan 24, 2009
    Merriweather consolidates nearly all of AC's developed strengths and sheds nearly all of their past weaknesses, yielding a virtually perfect work that most of us will look back upon in our old age as one of the best damn albums we ever had the pleasure of meeting. A landmark.
  65. ChrisK
    Jan 20, 2009
    Everything they have done culminates with this album. A Classic, one of the best this decade.
  66. DrewH.
    Jan 25, 2009
    Amazing, best album I have heard in ages, a completely new and orignal sound. I love it!
  67. Jeff
    Feb 1, 2009
    Some songs hit you immediately, some take a bit of savoring to warm up to, but ultimately each song on Merriweather is overflowing with music talent. Past Animal Collective was very eccentric but still good, this album really solidifies their place amongst important bands with a much wider and now grateful audience.
  68. AndrewC
    Feb 21, 2009
    This being my first listen of Any Animal Collective album, my initial impression was that it was a garbled mess. However, it remained a very interesting garbled mess; it showed some kind of promise. My second time through the album lead me to my current opinion, which is that this is probably my second favorite album of the decade in terms of pure solidness and innovation (First being This being my first listen of Any Animal Collective album, my initial impression was that it was a garbled mess. However, it remained a very interesting garbled mess; it showed some kind of promise. My second time through the album lead me to my current opinion, which is that this is probably my second favorite album of the decade in terms of pure solidness and innovation (First being Radiohead's Kid A). The melodies, background effects and variation from song to song, not to mention amazing verse to chorus progressions, are simply amazing, and any skeptical listener needs to give the album a second or third chance as this is what it may take to appreciate it. Simply amazing. Expand
  69. BolisG
    Feb 9, 2009
    Some great hooks got me started (Summertime Clothes, In the Flowers, Bluish), then each listen built on that foundation and before I knew i'm in love! This album is absolutely effen awesome!
  70. GB
    Mar 20, 2009
    I got this album in late January, and since the day of purchase i've listened to it every single day. This album is a landmark.
  71. GideonA
    Aug 1, 2009
    This is one of those albums that might mark a change in how music is going, or it may just be this particular band. I mean a number of songs don't have normal lyric structures, and the songs don't have chord changes so this collection differs structurally in a significant way. This is probably because of the availability of electronic instrumentation becoming somewhat mainstream This is one of those albums that might mark a change in how music is going, or it may just be this particular band. I mean a number of songs don't have normal lyric structures, and the songs don't have chord changes so this collection differs structurally in a significant way. This is probably because of the availability of electronic instrumentation becoming somewhat mainstream and affordable. I have to believe this kind of change is good thing even though it might take some getting used to...its unfortunate that you don't hear this kind of music on mainstream radio stations though. Expand
  72. ChrisM
    Aug 30, 2009
    It's otherworldly, the music and how good this album is.
  73. TroelsS.
    Jan 18, 2010
    THE masterpiece of the decade. There's so much to be said about Animal Collective through their career but being commercial isn't one of them. If the World is fair this album should be the ultimate, essential, mainstream breaktrough for AC. With Merriweather Animal Collective has finally find the perfect pop-melodies without giving up on the oddness of their music. It's THE masterpiece of the decade. There's so much to be said about Animal Collective through their career but being commercial isn't one of them. If the World is fair this album should be the ultimate, essential, mainstream breaktrough for AC. With Merriweather Animal Collective has finally find the perfect pop-melodies without giving up on the oddness of their music. It's epic, it's simple in it's complexity. Siply perfect. Expand
  74. robertf
    Jan 2, 2010
    One of "Those Albums" of the decade, Animal Collective really figured things out on this record. Feels may still be my personal favorite but this album is more full of hooks, emotion as well as an appreciation for love and music than may be more enthusiastic and hopeful than any "classic" album in a long long time. avey's songwriting keeps getting better (i.e. summertime clothes).
  75. FredR.
    Nov 11, 2009
    An interesting album which is grossly overrated. MPP is one of the better 21st century progrock albums. Now do a comparison test: If Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon was a 10 how would you rate this album? I would give this a 6 at best.
  76. Joe
    Nov 4, 2009
    This album could have been a complete disaster. It strives on its Beach Boyish vocals and music that doesn't drive you crazy like their Feels album. Not the best album of the year, but one of the biggest surprises.
  77. Jon
    Jan 21, 2009
    Yes, it really is that good!!
  78. Jay
    Jan 20, 2009
    When In The Flowers explodes at the 2:30 mark, you know that you're in for an amazing experience. From the dreamy soundscape of Daily Routine to the pounding rhythms of Brother Sport, there's not a moment of weakness to be found in this 55 minutes. A very, very good album. Definitely worthy of all the hype.
  79. JeremiahM
    Jan 20, 2009
    Hands down, one of the most enjoyable albums of the last several years. Animal Collective have found a rare groove, one which feels totally accessible and relaxed without losing any brilliance.
  80. DaveA
    Jan 20, 2009
    Haha theres 37 user votes and this hasn't even been up on metacritic for a day! Its hard not to go ape shit over an album this amazing.
  81. TonyN
    Jan 20, 2009
    Merriweather Post Pavilion is truly a masterpiece. Animal Collective has set the bar for 2009, and it's doubtful any other band will come close to releasing a record of this caliber anytime soon. The album stands out as Animal Collective's best, most immediate record. The production is flawless, and the record seems to be largely focused on bass and low end (this gives it a much Merriweather Post Pavilion is truly a masterpiece. Animal Collective has set the bar for 2009, and it's doubtful any other band will come close to releasing a record of this caliber anytime soon. The album stands out as Animal Collective's best, most immediate record. The production is flawless, and the record seems to be largely focused on bass and low end (this gives it a much more electronic feel than previous efforts). This is especially noticeable on tracks such as "My Girls" and "Brothersport," which some might argue are the stand-out tracks on the album. The record will surely draw a large number of new fans, but at the same time please those who have enjoyed their music for many years now. Avey Tare and Panda Bear's vocals are at their best on this record, and they compliment each other better than ever before. Merriweather Post Pavilion is a landmark achievement in music, and it must not be overlooked by anyone. Expand
  82. AlexM
    Jan 20, 2009
    One big thing that I've noticed is that there are no more "big hits." We're in a digital age where you can get a single song for a dollar and be on your way. No longer is there a strong focus on albums as a cohesive whole. Most everything that's mainstream popular is popular for a reason. It gives those that don't care about music something to listen to. As soon as One big thing that I've noticed is that there are no more "big hits." We're in a digital age where you can get a single song for a dollar and be on your way. No longer is there a strong focus on albums as a cohesive whole. Most everything that's mainstream popular is popular for a reason. It gives those that don't care about music something to listen to. As soon as they get bored of the song, the next big single from "X Band" is out on "X Music Provider." There's no waiting. It's all constant. And mostly garbage. But I've always wanted something to hold onto. Any band I tried to grasp onto when I was into Top 40 material dissipated before any substance was created. So I started paying attention to bands and their releases and started collecting albums that were listenable the whole way through. My collection grew and, as I began to understand the complexities and simplicities of music, I began to appreciate certain things about it. This new album from Animal Collective brings a large amount of what I appreciate about music to a concise, cohesive, and absolutely breathtaking release. Every song on this album has something to love about it and there's not one boring or "skippable" moment. While it may not be a contender for "Best Album of the Century," it certainly feels like a landmark and defining moment for this generation and decade of music at the least. Expand
  83. bradfordc.
    Jan 24, 2009
    I get a hold of myself every night listening to this album. I love this band and special feelings they engender in me.
  84. Quillber
    Jan 26, 2009
    Some of its great, some of it panda needs a slap for getting too self indulgent. avey is still making top tracks, but pandas good ones are great. gimme Feels anyday though, its still the most accomplished thing theyve done. i think they are sounding too 90's blind melon or something these days, a bit Shins.. weird cheap sounding production.
  85. TobyH.
    Jan 27, 2009
    Brilliant all the way through! My Girls may be the best song of the millennium!
  86. MattW
    Jan 31, 2009
    As close to perfect as any artist has come in a long, long time. Ignore the hype. I hate seeing people come out against this album simply because they perceive as the "it" thing. This album transcends the current bullshit "scenes" bands are unfairly lumped into these days. What we have here is an album that's beyond all that. Something so well-made, so unique, so enjoyable - it As close to perfect as any artist has come in a long, long time. Ignore the hype. I hate seeing people come out against this album simply because they perceive as the "it" thing. This album transcends the current bullshit "scenes" bands are unfairly lumped into these days. What we have here is an album that's beyond all that. Something so well-made, so unique, so enjoyable - it simply demands to be listened to. Write this album off if you want (the minority of you who are it would seem), it's your loss. This a magical, wonderful album - truly one of the best I've ever heard. Expand
  87. EliJ.
    Oct 4, 2009
    Okay first off, if you love mainstream crap then dont listen to this. its way above you. this is the best album i've listened to in a long time. animal collective, you are a voice of a damn generation. i hope you get more popular so your music can touch people around the world. Im the only person in my whole school thats heard of animal collective but im spreading the word. Okay first off, if you love mainstream crap then dont listen to this. its way above you. this is the best album i've listened to in a long time. animal collective, you are a voice of a damn generation. i hope you get more popular so your music can touch people around the world. Im the only person in my whole school thats heard of animal collective but im spreading the word. summertime clothes is my new favorite song! yeah! Expand
  88. SebastianS
    Mar 23, 2009
    You need to take just the same amount of mind altering substances you need to take when listening to The Beatles, Pink Floyd or Miles Davis. Nothing... Artists have been freaky for a long time, that doesn't mean you have to be on drugs to enjoy it... That is my opinion. There would be little music left for me to listen to if it was otherwise. This album is like what The Beach Boys You need to take just the same amount of mind altering substances you need to take when listening to The Beatles, Pink Floyd or Miles Davis. Nothing... Artists have been freaky for a long time, that doesn't mean you have to be on drugs to enjoy it... That is my opinion. There would be little music left for me to listen to if it was otherwise. This album is like what The Beach Boys and Pink Floyds folksong singing lovechild would sound like. Expand
  89. NeilL
    Mar 25, 2009
    Brilliant. I received this album over a week ago and have been listening to nothing else since. From the evidence, it seems that those who dislike the album dislike it simply because of the overwhelming critical praise for it as well as the AC fanboy club's near mindless defence of it as "the greatest album ever produced by mortals". Which is really no reason to dislike the album in Brilliant. I received this album over a week ago and have been listening to nothing else since. From the evidence, it seems that those who dislike the album dislike it simply because of the overwhelming critical praise for it as well as the AC fanboy club's near mindless defence of it as "the greatest album ever produced by mortals". Which is really no reason to dislike the album in itself. I initially came across this album perchance, without any preconceptions. Until a month ago I didn't even know who Animal Collective were. But this is a seriously good album, despite the hype. Expand
  90. normf
    Apr 21, 2009
    This album is simply a great album of transcendent beauty. Their capacity to make electronic music warm and the astounding generosity of its sound and lyrics make this a great achievement
  91. ThomasW
    May 8, 2009
    It took me a couple of listens to actually "take in" this album. It's... so... good. The beats and melodies are tremendous, and I love it oh so much.
  92. GeoffreyG
    May 9, 2009
    The way so many different, disparate sounds mesh to create beautiful, melodic songs blows my mind. The Beach Boys-esque vocal harmonies are gorgeous, the songs build wonderfully, I just love this album. And it just keeps getting better and better.
  93. mattm
    Jun 1, 2009
    Okay for people to say that this is an intellectual album, instead of an album to enjoy the hell out of, you are just stupid and don't even seem understand music. This album is one of the few albums where I just want to get up and dance with friends. Come on 'summertime clothes'? How can you think thats a song to 'think about'?
  94. Bloo
    Jun 24, 2009
    Everything importand is in the reviews, so I can only say I love this CD.
  95. DavidH
    Aug 2, 2009
    I am brand new to Animal Collective and this is the first album of theirs I've heard. I resisted a long time because I find the whole scenester thing pretty obnoxious and I don't typically listen to music by current groups. But I took a chance and this is GOOD. Fascinating music. The sound really strongly reminds me of the Beatles song "Tomorrow Never Knows" updated with modern I am brand new to Animal Collective and this is the first album of theirs I've heard. I resisted a long time because I find the whole scenester thing pretty obnoxious and I don't typically listen to music by current groups. But I took a chance and this is GOOD. Fascinating music. The sound really strongly reminds me of the Beatles song "Tomorrow Never Knows" updated with modern equipment and fleshed out into a whole album. I recommend this to anybody who can get past the scenester connection. They ruin EVERYTHING fun about music. Expand
  96. DougH
    Aug 2, 2009
    Great music. But when did it become the thing to invoke the Beach Boys every time a group sings harmony? This is a great album, but it doesn't sound even remotely like Pet Sounds or Smile so the comparison is just stupid. I agree with the previous reviewer that it sounds more like the Beatles "Tomorrow Never Knows"
  97. DerekP
    Aug 27, 2009
    Once in awhile I hear a release that can actually change the way I feel and this is one of those. The 1st four songs in particular are a powerful 1-2 punch perfectly illustrating AC's method as hazy keyboards, hypnotic vocals and muffled beats go in and out of the listener's awareness. As other comments indicate this is polarizing music with listeners either loving it or hating Once in awhile I hear a release that can actually change the way I feel and this is one of those. The 1st four songs in particular are a powerful 1-2 punch perfectly illustrating AC's method as hazy keyboards, hypnotic vocals and muffled beats go in and out of the listener's awareness. As other comments indicate this is polarizing music with listeners either loving it or hating it with no middle ground. I fall squarely into the former and love this tripped out music. Expand
  98. stoma
    Sep 21, 2009
    Vital--contains ancient, in-between-the-lines truths--like electronica played with dirt clods in stead of keyboards--thgis is genetically important music--some will need to morph new synapses to accept the revelations but it is growth worth the strain.
  99. VictorO.
    Jan 14, 2010
    Unlike their transcendent, delightfully inaccessible treat Feels from 2005, this is either a commercial sell-out or an unabashed homage. The influences abound: A lot of The Beach Boys and The Mamas and the Papas, a smattering of the Flaming Lips and XTC, and a hint of Lindsey Buckingham/Fleetwood Mac. Where's my independently freakish genius band?
  100. Zoran
    Jan 21, 2009
    it's nice to see that somebody could record this after eight albums.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. Mojo
    By far the most streamlined and purposeful Animal Collective record. [Jan 2008, p.98]
  2. 80
    In years past, Animal Collective have been cast as perpetual Peter Pans, forever stuck in childhood fantasias. But beneath the body-moving throbs and coruscating noises of Merriweather Post Pavilion, themes of domestic duty and devotion abound.
  3. 100
    It feels like one of the landmark American albums of the century so far. [Jan 2008, p.86]