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Universal acclaim- based on 900 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 54 out of 900

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  1. madsl
    Nov 29, 2005
    This is a pleasant surprise! Madonna is back doing what she is supposed to do: entertain! American Life was an ill-judged attempt to educate rather than entertain and madonna has apparently learned that if she wants to maintain her relevance she should make us dance instead of think! Clever choice...and up goes the record sales!
  2. NickAlliNick
    Nov 30, 2005
    Madonna simply the best!
  3. MrNihilism
    Dec 2, 2005
    Great music.
  4. hagop
    Dec 3, 2005
    BEst album of year
  5. AntonioB
    Dec 5, 2005
    After a dismal attempt in American Life, Confessions brings us back to who Madonna is, the maker of great music. I have listened to his album over a hundred times and still cannot get bored. Each time I listen I hear something new. The music is magical and gets me moving. She proves that she can once again defy the odds by making a great album.
  6. AlfreoE
    Dec 6, 2005
    I needed an album like this for christmas!
  7. zhasan
    Dec 7, 2005
    Simply Amazing. A feast for the ears!
  8. SeanC
    Jan 14, 2006
    Madonna just put out one of the worst albums of her career. I really not feeling anything she does. I wish she would just go away!!!!
  9. BelovedB
    Jan 15, 2006
    Nomatter what she did, she always a leader not follower!
  10. Tada-maddyman
    Jan 21, 2006
    Confessions made another surprise when it debuted at No.1 in nearly 40 various country. Album managed to a massive improvement fro latest album effort American Life. So we oughta wish Madonna this huge success because when U R 47 year-old this is amazing´.
  11. georgie
    Jan 21, 2006
    this album is amazing! i highly highly recommend it
  12. EliasA
    Dec 7, 2006
    The best pop - dance album of the latest years and definitely one of her best. (I am a fan since 1983) I had many years to enjoy a pop - dance album so much. It can be heard for months!
  13. jaycenter
    Oct 29, 2006
    with Jump as single and Confessions Tour this summer, I can say that this album is my all time favorite! can not have enough of it
  14. MonicaL
    Jan 5, 2006
    There are only a few good things on this album, and it's nothing she or anyone else hasn't done before. Formulaic, but sometimes fun in spite of it. This should be the last we hear from this woman, ever. Please!
  15. robertor
    Jan 8, 2006
    Exciting cd from Madonna My favourite songs are Get together and Forbidden lovers. I do not know why many people do not like I love new York: the lyrics can be horrible but the music is absolutely wonderful
  16. JGarrett
    Feb 11, 2006
    I can listen to this album over and over again. Our favorite 70s disco songs with an electronica overlay and lyrics. If you like Disco or even club music, this is a must have.
  17. ToddR
    Feb 7, 2006
    Aside from the brilliant lead single and a few other tracks, the album is pretty generic, icy dance pop.
  18. JKaltz
    Mar 3, 2006
    This is one of madonna"s best albums ever
  19. migueld
    May 10, 2006
    absolutly her best cd in almost a decade since ray of light, a pop album in its maximum expresion, with a twist of techno and disco. Enjoyable and give the old fans a new vibe to put their attention back to madonna and to the yonger crowds to follow her.
  20. BorisZ
    Aug 13, 2006
    It is ok but not her best work,sometimes cold and distenced
  21. BrianB
    Aug 20, 2006
    Tracks 11 and 12 aren't so good, but everything else is excellent. "Jump" and "Sorry" are superb, just about as good as anything she's ever done. Much better than the overrated Ray of Light. Actually as good as any disc she's ever put out.
  22. nicka
    Sep 16, 2006
    This is such a fun album and a long way from the introspection of Ray of Light and American Life. Okay not everything works but still she manages to teach the younger wanabees a thing or two. Still going strong after over twenty years, will we ever see another like her, IMO definitely not. I absolutely love madonna not because I've loved everythings shes done but because of her This is such a fun album and a long way from the introspection of Ray of Light and American Life. Okay not everything works but still she manages to teach the younger wanabees a thing or two. Still going strong after over twenty years, will we ever see another like her, IMO definitely not. I absolutely love madonna not because I've loved everythings shes done but because of her continual re-invention and change of musical styles. This album is one long disco night, full of fun, at times cheesy, at times a bit euro trash but just such an enjoyable ride.This makes you want to get up and dance and so delivers big time. Expand
  23. PP
    Sep 23, 2006
    One of the best of her 13 so far!! Cannot stop listening to it!!
  24. SyaremanA
    Sep 8, 2006
    I really enjoy this album. I can repeat it many time which mean this album is not boring. Madonna, just released second album......i will be waiting.
  25. nazg
    Mar 26, 2007
    AMAZING!!! This album had me dancing from the minute I put it on until it was finished.Lets not even get into what an amazing artist and entertainer she is. MADONNA is the greatest and anything she creates is a masterpiece.
  26. kaiwens
    Apr 28, 2007
    Best album of her's yet. COADF simply grooves!!!
  27. BenK
    May 11, 2007
    It seems like a strong effort on Madonna's part at fisrt, but the album gradually gets really old. It's decent and the songs are fun to dance to but that's about it. After a while, it's just kind of boring and dull.
  28. AhmedR.
    Jun 29, 2007
    Madonna never ceases to amaze me. Ever since 1983, I have thought that the day of Madonna was past, that her next album wouldn't sell, that the next tour would be boring, that she is too old and too rich to be able to reach out to listeners, has tried too many different fads, has pushed every button possible...and every single time, I am wrong. When I listen to her new single, or see Madonna never ceases to amaze me. Ever since 1983, I have thought that the day of Madonna was past, that her next album wouldn't sell, that the next tour would be boring, that she is too old and too rich to be able to reach out to listeners, has tried too many different fads, has pushed every button possible...and every single time, I am wrong. When I listen to her new single, or see her new video, I am speechless at her ability to change and present different personas successfully. After 17 official album releases, Madonna is still going stronger than ever with her latest release, Confessions on a Dance Floor. Expand
  29. RuanH.
    Aug 12, 2007
    Madonna returns to form with "Confessions". Next to "Ray of Light" this is her best work.
  30. MikD.
    Mar 13, 2009
    One's of the best album the last 10 years!
  31. VictorC
    Apr 5, 2009
    A great Madonna album, and you can "Like It Or Not."
  32. MichaelH.
    Aug 19, 2009
    Absolutely amazing. Makes you move and want to get up and dance. Such an amazing album from an already exceptional and influential musician. Madonna blows the competition away with her synth pop/dance album.
  33. stephanies
    Nov 14, 2005
  34. JC
    Nov 14, 2005
    Madonna needs to trade in her Cha Cha Heels for a wheelchair. How many times must she inflict her bad singing on the American public??? Give it up girl your minutes of fame are FINALLY dissapearing. And by the way maybe someone should turn her daughters on to the filthy media scandal she created in the past to keep her name in the media. Madonna, stay abroad we have enough bad pop music Madonna needs to trade in her Cha Cha Heels for a wheelchair. How many times must she inflict her bad singing on the American public??? Give it up girl your minutes of fame are FINALLY dissapearing. And by the way maybe someone should turn her daughters on to the filthy media scandal she created in the past to keep her name in the media. Madonna, stay abroad we have enough bad pop music living right here in the US. Expand
  35. KevinM
    Nov 14, 2005
    This album is AMAZING, Madonna is back at what she does best. WAY TOO GO
  36. PhilippeG
    Nov 14, 2005
    Her best EVER !!!
  37. OwenM
    Nov 14, 2005
    Best yet
  38. SarkesY
    Nov 14, 2005
    Some of her BEST work ever!!!
  39. daves
    Nov 14, 2005
    I hope people who review this cd give a at least a weeks worth of listens. It is an amazing cd. Everytime I listen to it I am blown away at the incredible talent madonna has. Thanks for making such a top notch CD!!!!!!! To the CNN anchor who said American Life was a waste of 15.00, I just have to ask her, were you in the room when you listened to it???? Thanks Madonna, you indeed do rule I hope people who review this cd give a at least a weeks worth of listens. It is an amazing cd. Everytime I listen to it I am blown away at the incredible talent madonna has. Thanks for making such a top notch CD!!!!!!! To the CNN anchor who said American Life was a waste of 15.00, I just have to ask her, were you in the room when you listened to it???? Thanks Madonna, you indeed do rule the world!!!!! Expand
  40. ratko.r
    Nov 14, 2005
    This album is brilliant. As amazing as Hung Up is, it does not represent this album...Because it is based on heavy, dark dance beats, with confessional and revealing lyrics - about fame, fortune, love and family...But without any cynicism. Madonna has outdone herself. 12 perfect dance cuts.
  41. earlr
    Nov 14, 2005
    this cd will get everybody into the groove.listen to it several times and you will get hooked to it.addicted even.
  42. EmmaD
    Nov 14, 2005
    So catchy and fun - I understand the hype
  43. MarkC
    Nov 14, 2005
    The groove is unstoppable!!! Madonna - you just don't stop, do you???
  44. MattM
    Nov 15, 2005
    Neither perfect nor the best album of Madonna's career, as many have claimed, the good news is "Confessions on a Dance Floor" is not as bad as I had feared, but that does not make it as good as I had hoped. It is what it is: a classy, occasionally exhilarating but frequently frustrating dance record from the reigning Queen of Pop. Producer Stuart Price's arrangements are quite Neither perfect nor the best album of Madonna's career, as many have claimed, the good news is "Confessions on a Dance Floor" is not as bad as I had feared, but that does not make it as good as I had hoped. It is what it is: a classy, occasionally exhilarating but frequently frustrating dance record from the reigning Queen of Pop. Producer Stuart Price's arrangements are quite good, but there is nothing particularly interesting about the music itself, save for the enthralling first single, "Hung Up". Madonna's vocals often get buried in the production, and the songs too often sound like convoluted remixes. The lyrics are generic at best ("Get Together", "Sorry", "Like It or Not") and downright inane at worst (the insipid "I Love New York"). While I sound like I am bashing the record, "Confessions" is more rewarding than I seem to be giving it credit for: the aforementioned "Hung Up", the pulsating "Future Lovers", the gorgeous "Forbidden Love", the introspective "How High", and the stunning "Push" are all standouts. It's a shame to compare (a critical faux pas I usually like to avoid), but perhaps "Confessions on a Dance Floor" is somewhat disappointing because I know Madonna has released better material in the past. I don't hate the album as it may seem; I rather think I enjoy it quite a bit. But I can't imagine it will ever get as much spin time as "Ray of Light" or "Music". Expand
  45. JohnM
    Nov 15, 2005
  46. Steve
    Nov 15, 2005
    Throw it in your CD player and get ready to dance! Amazing piece of genius from our long standing Queen of Pop.
  47. ChrisL
    Nov 15, 2005
    Pure dance odesssey!! Standout tracks include Hung Up, Sorry, Jump and Forbidden Love.
  48. BrianSS
    Nov 15, 2005
    Some great dance tracks in here. But you have to wonder how much credit Madonnas producers get. Should this album not be Madonnas and Stuart Prices. The music and the beats are the best thing about it. Similar to previous tracks like "dont tell me", the genius was in the production, not the lyrics or singing. Madonnas greatest talent seems to be picking the flavour of the month to produce Some great dance tracks in here. But you have to wonder how much credit Madonnas producers get. Should this album not be Madonnas and Stuart Prices. The music and the beats are the best thing about it. Similar to previous tracks like "dont tell me", the genius was in the production, not the lyrics or singing. Madonnas greatest talent seems to be picking the flavour of the month to produce her albums eg. Mirwais, William Orbit, Price. Expand
  49. LeanneF
    Nov 15, 2005
    An Amazing Album! Even better than Gwen's Love.Angel.Music.Baby--this has the consistency and the commitment that the LAMB album lacks--the Queen Madge reclaims her throne!
  50. ArchwayJack
    Nov 15, 2005
    Confessions is rather disappointing. It's formulaic and dull. The much hated American Life album had some edge to it. This is euro-dance-pop-cheece by numbers.
  51. TristanC.
    Nov 15, 2005
    Although I do not like every song on the album, I am completely amazed by the transformation Madonna has gone through since her last album. The beats, the lyrics, everything about this album screams "fun" and I'm happy to say that this is the first album from Madonna in several years that I can actually say I listen to on a regular basis. Awesome~
  52. georgem
    Nov 15, 2005
    madonna is back!!!!!!
  53. BrandonSmith
    Nov 15, 2005
    Fantastic album. Check out the review by Slate Magazine above. I think it describes this album very well.
  54. GregoryG
    Nov 16, 2005
    This album is a gigantic disappointment. The majority of songs are virtually unlistenable. Some of these lyrics make "Borderline" and "Lucky Star" look like Shakesperean sonnets. The tracks are not DJ-mixed, there are rather "blended" together. To much down time, too many foolish lyrics, boring melodies, lazy vocals, I almost threw the disc out the window of my car after my first listen This album is a gigantic disappointment. The majority of songs are virtually unlistenable. Some of these lyrics make "Borderline" and "Lucky Star" look like Shakesperean sonnets. The tracks are not DJ-mixed, there are rather "blended" together. To much down time, too many foolish lyrics, boring melodies, lazy vocals, I almost threw the disc out the window of my car after my first listen and I've been a Madonna fan since 1983. Go listen to "Ray of Light" again instead. Expand
  55. TommyM
    Nov 16, 2005
    Wow...I love Madonna. Now granted I did like American Life, but it wasnt amazing. This album is amazing. Every single song makes me want to get up and dance. Thank you Madonna for making this album!
  56. anjb
    Nov 16, 2005
    The best album yet! Much better than her last. I put it in and starting dancing in my car! Awesome album! Thank you MADONNA!
  57. Cory
    Nov 16, 2005
    I'm not a huge Madonna fan, but this is great dance music. She shoudl stick to this. Fun, hooky, and hip.
  58. ZippyZeeuit
    Nov 16, 2005
    Totally uninspired album. Sounds like the lable needed an album and just threw it together in a weekend. Sounds like a long fart.
  59. PeterJ
    Nov 16, 2005
  60. CarolynH
    Nov 16, 2005
    I'm not a huge Madonna superfan, but this CD absolutely kicks! I can't stop playing the WHOLE CD, I have it on repeat and refuse to turn it off, I particularly like Sorry, Jump, Push, and Hung Up is the best.
  61. gilp
    Nov 16, 2005
    This is Madonna's most brilliant and best album since "Music." The best tracks are "Hung Up," "Get Together," Sorry," "I Love New York," and "Jump." It isn't as revolutionary as been documented. Madonna uses disco influences and inferences by the likes of Giorgio Moroder, The Jacksons, Kylie Minogue and The Pet Shop Boys. It's very European stylistically and futuristic This is Madonna's most brilliant and best album since "Music." The best tracks are "Hung Up," "Get Together," Sorry," "I Love New York," and "Jump." It isn't as revolutionary as been documented. Madonna uses disco influences and inferences by the likes of Giorgio Moroder, The Jacksons, Kylie Minogue and The Pet Shop Boys. It's very European stylistically and futuristic musically. The album is straight through without pause but after a while you feel as if you've stayed too long on the dance floor because the songs start to sag a bit especially following the tedious song , "Issac." Expand
  62. Jen
    Nov 16, 2005
    Go M
  63. Peaches
    Nov 16, 2005
    Great album. Far better than the dreadful "American Life" and is far more consistent and enjoyable than "Music. Ranks up there with "Ray Of Light" as her best.
  64. skinnyjax
    Nov 16, 2005
    best madonna album in a long, long time... nice retro dance feeling to it. some songs are very 'basic' but album is effective... go get it!
  65. Migueld
    Nov 16, 2005
    She's back and better than ever. I dare you to not be amazed by this album.
  66. GK
    Nov 16, 2005
    A brilliant comeback after the disappointing "American Life". Thumping, driving club beats infused with emotional lyrics....I can't stop playing this album!
  67. DaveH
    Nov 16, 2005
    This is Madonna's "Thriller" It is nearly perfect and absolutely captures the mood of the country..Dammit! Lets Dance!
  68. Marc
    Nov 17, 2005
    It's good, but the tempo is pretty much the same throughout...
  69. Christopher
    Nov 17, 2005
    A true return to form only Madonna could pull off. A truly fantastic trance/pop/dance album that shows the pretenders how music is supposed to be made. Another benchmark has been set, one which the copycats will almost certianly fail to better.
  70. DB
    Nov 17, 2005
    This CD is amazing. There isn't a single song you will want to skip past.
  71. AronS
    Nov 18, 2005
    Every Song is at least good!
  72. MatthewS
    Nov 18, 2005
    Ignore Ray Of Light, Music and the underrated American Life. This is the return to form for Madonna we've wanted since Bedtime Stories/Like A Prayer. She successfully melds the spirit and candor of Into The Groove with sounds from the future yet, decades old as well. Take Forbiddlen Love, which slyly incorporates the backbeat to 'Holiday'. On 'I Love N.Y', She Ignore Ray Of Light, Music and the underrated American Life. This is the return to form for Madonna we've wanted since Bedtime Stories/Like A Prayer. She successfully melds the spirit and candor of Into The Groove with sounds from the future yet, decades old as well. Take Forbiddlen Love, which slyly incorporates the backbeat to 'Holiday'. On 'I Love N.Y', She sounds as happy to be in the music and in the light as she was when she launched her sound with 'Everybody' over 2 decades ago. The within COADF sound is 'every' Madonna era, rolled into all things. Yet, for all it's bravado, it works; and it works magically. Her best release in years. Screw modern Madonna, if you've wanted the spirit of old, here's your chance. Now get into the groove! Expand
  73. JoseS
    Nov 18, 2005
    great dance album
  74. GiuseppeD
    Nov 18, 2005
    Easy going and fun, I love it!
  75. jackier
    Nov 19, 2005
    not really a madonna fan only ever enjoyed one or two songs from each of her previous alblums, but this is really great. Possibly her best yet
  76. christianv
    Nov 19, 2005
    well, let me tell you that her album is stupid pop, well, let me tell you that this cd has 80's mixed songs with dumb-gay lyrics, it isn't any new shit, it really sucks
  77. SeanT
    Nov 21, 2005
    This is sad. It's just sad. This is an obvious, pathetic attempt for Madonna to jump onto the latest bandwagon (in this case "neo-80s" or whatever they may be calling it -- wasn't that trend about 2 years ago, anyway?). She should have learned her lesson after her laughable obligitory Bush-bashing album. Frankly, this album would be pathetic coming from anyone, but from a woman This is sad. It's just sad. This is an obvious, pathetic attempt for Madonna to jump onto the latest bandwagon (in this case "neo-80s" or whatever they may be calling it -- wasn't that trend about 2 years ago, anyway?). She should have learned her lesson after her laughable obligitory Bush-bashing album. Frankly, this album would be pathetic coming from anyone, but from a woman who's a mother multiple times, it's even more sad and depressing. It's like watching an old drunk think that young guys are hitting on her in a bar, when in fact they're making fun of her. Madonna, please quit music (and writing, and acting, and what ever other garbage you may be planning on force-feeding brainwashed MTV viewers). Expand
  78. CoreyC
    Nov 21, 2005
    11 out of the twelve songs are simply amazing to me..
  79. ChrisR
    Nov 23, 2005
    Great dance album, might be the best mainstream pop album this year
  80. JB
    Nov 24, 2005
    This album is so addictive... perfect.
  81. EliasD
    Nov 25, 2005
    Rereading some of the criticisms of this album...most seem more a dislike (or attack) of madonna vers her music this time around. This is an album of dance and yes there's silly lyrics but it's called Confessions on a Dancefloor......shouldn't that say what's she's doing....on purpose!!! I love the album except for two songs: Hung Up Amazing hook and more catchy Rereading some of the criticisms of this album...most seem more a dislike (or attack) of madonna vers her music this time around. This is an album of dance and yes there's silly lyrics but it's called Confessions on a Dancefloor......shouldn't that say what's she's doing....on purpose!!! I love the album except for two songs: Hung Up Amazing hook and more catchy after more listens and played loud in a dancefloor it's even better. Get Together Bit flat and not as many hooks and catches to it, but good song otherwise. Sorry Amazing hook and great song but by end lacks that extra level to make it a classic, but good. However, played LOUD it's better, and played in Nightclub 6am in London last weekend and club went MENTAL for it will be a smash. Future Lovers Better after repeated listens....however, I've never been a fan of Mirwais's gimmicks...but the 70 influence and mood saves this. I Love New York Totally bizarre song but odd lyrics but it works somehow! Let It Will Be Not crazy about this song. Flat and uninspired but ok. Forbidden Love Interesting with touching mood. Jump LOVE LOVE LOVE the intro and mid of this song but falls a little flat by the end......just doesn't creap to the next level to make it a classic..but still good enough for a number 1. How High Good song but not great. Bit flat. Isaac Very odd song and reminds me of Secret of year's ago, and too similar to that but she's trying something different with the voices. Push HATE this's like JLo rip off. Flat and goes nowhere, but has good hook and that's it. Like It Or Not The only other song I hate on this album.....if I was in a club and ended on this note I'd be furious..this is a dancefloor album and she should have ended on a high!!! Wild and crazy song...not this moody introspective song. Sorry would have been a better ending..or a song with a heavy base and loud crash of an ending.... Overall, Madonna is back and this is one of my fav albums in years....only 2 songs out of 12 which I dislike...and apparently she has a number of songs which didn't make this album..and with it's success I await Confession on a Dancefloor PART 2. Expand
  82. garynuman
    Nov 26, 2005
    Could it be any more blatant that she's trying to make up for American Life's critical and commercial failure? Most of the rest of the world has moved on.
  83. BenS
    Nov 27, 2005
    yes i hold up my hand it IS definately pissing over mariah carey still bores. Maddona seems crushed under a barrage of seemingly pointless beats and melodies while her pointless lyrics and effects betray the talented voice, not at all a good listen
  84. Andy
    Nov 27, 2005
    I aint ever heard a full madonna album (1 of the minority!) but this album because of the beats and production has been in the cd player for the last few weeks as it is really, really good. You can put it on and the time flies all the tracks mix into 1 long happy tune. I love New York is the worst song in terms of lyrics but who cares as the beats still work even on this!
  85. BrandoZ
    Nov 29, 2005
    I drove three hours... and the music kept me going. Folks, play it loud and you will "feel" its power even better. This work also refers to a notion of artistic coexistence (Merce Cunningham Dance Company does it beautifully). At times it feels like you are listening to tunes from two sources, and they are doing their own thing. I loved it! Beautiful sound texture.
  86. CB
    Nov 30, 2005
    I was quite happy with it... I love how one song flows into the next. It might not take very long for me to get annoyed by it, but it is nonetheless quite an excellent album. To be honest, I actually really dislike Madonna for various reasons, but this is by far my favorite album.
  87. ElleB
    Dec 11, 2005
    Not great, not bad. Average. This latest effort from Madonna is a bit bleak in some areas, though there are some uber- funky dance mega hits packed in this pop CD. Its not classic Madonna, but hey, at least she doesn't sing for Britain about kaballah and how fabulous her life is.
  88. Jason
    Dec 18, 2005
    Her best album ever!!! It brings her old school dance with her updated lyrics. Absolutely beautiful!!!
  89. DimitriC
    Dec 22, 2005
    I don't get it. If any other artist released this, it would have been mildly praised for the studio work and criticized for the mediocre lyrics and vocals. Confessions fails to break any new creative ground, but it will please her die-hard legions of loyal fans. My advice? Move along... nothing to see here.
  90. jyotirmayad
    Dec 27, 2005
    Suprisingly good. The material mom has gone full circle and come home to her roots (uh, the original brunette one's hahaha).
  91. OscarB
    Dec 5, 2005
    ewww....I though she was better then this.
  92. MikeW
    Dec 7, 2005
    Great album from start to finish! Congratulations Madonna.
  93. PeterO
    Jan 11, 2006
    It's great to see Madonna bangin' on the dancefloor again but on a dance/house music point of view, there's much better stuff out there. Think Mylo, Starsailor, Deep Dish, van Dyk and such.
  94. morgann
    Nov 18, 2006
    fantastico album
  95. DigitalContradiction
    Jan 17, 2006
    Confessions on a Dance Floor is being billed by mainstream critics as a fluffy, care-free, exuberant disc, which to an extent, is true. However, club-hopping purists and disco/dance fanatics should be warned: This is not the same Madonna from 20 years ago rolling around on-stage in a wedding dress. The style of this album while very much clubby in feel, also demonstrates Madonna's Confessions on a Dance Floor is being billed by mainstream critics as a fluffy, care-free, exuberant disc, which to an extent, is true. However, club-hopping purists and disco/dance fanatics should be warned: This is not the same Madonna from 20 years ago rolling around on-stage in a wedding dress. The style of this album while very much clubby in feel, also demonstrates Madonna's maturity not only as an artist, but as a woman who can masterfully craft a dance-oriented disc that appeals to discerning adult listeners. My official review is here: Expand
  96. Nathan
    Oct 21, 2006
    Love the way the songs link to one another. Far better than American Life.
  97. PeterF
    Jan 23, 2006
    Oh dear. How UNDERWHELMED am I with this album...? Uninspired, soul-less and what is it with those lame lyrics ? Churning out yet another commercially glib collection of crap, I yearn for the Madge days of RAY OF LIGHT or BEDTIME STORIES. Just Hang Up why dontcha...?
  98. seank
    May 24, 2006
    This is not nonstop, it falls flat on "I Love New York" and "Issac." I do like the similarities between "Frozen" and the latter. The rest of the album is why I gave it a ten. From the catchy-non stop-move-it-ness of Hung Up, the ryhtms of Get Together, the techno beats on Sorry, the ambience of Future Lovers, the street feel of Like it or Not, the get-readiness of Jump, the cascade of Let This is not nonstop, it falls flat on "I Love New York" and "Issac." I do like the similarities between "Frozen" and the latter. The rest of the album is why I gave it a ten. From the catchy-non stop-move-it-ness of Hung Up, the ryhtms of Get Together, the techno beats on Sorry, the ambience of Future Lovers, the street feel of Like it or Not, the get-readiness of Jump, the cascade of Let it will be and Forbidden Loves to the song that moved my soul like no song ever has before-Push. I love her voice, its never sound better, she has such strength in combining love, motives, religion, etc on the Future Disco album "Confessions on a Dance Floor." It blends the past with the present better than anybody could. Expand
  99. Sean
    Jan 19, 2007
    Madonna's finest effort since Ray of Light, truly inspiring and a beautiful, fun listen.
  100. DannyW
    Nov 14, 2008
    Still love this after 3 years. Great album by Madonna. It doesn't miss a beat!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. One of the few pop singers whose albums are best appreciated in their entirety and not lopped off into "hit singles," Madonna... has succeeded at creating a dance-pop odyssey with an emotional, if not necessarily narrative, arc.
  2. It may be a return to core values, but there's still a bravery about Confessions on a Dancefloor. It revels in the delights of wilfully plastic dance pop in an era when lesser dance-pop artists - from Rachel Stevens to Price's protege Juliet - are having a desperately thin time of it.
  3. Los Angeles Times
    Disco with a vengeance, a whomping, unapologetically airheaded engine of stroboscopic beats and succulent textures that exhumes dance music's time-honored values of celebration and affirmation. [13 Nov 2005]